Is Bush just stubborn? Or is he taking orders from the Saudi Royals?


Will work for Scooby snacks
On the one hand, it appears that bush is an arrogant stubborn man, who refuses to acknowledge his mistake in invading iraq, and is merely running out the clock to pass his mess on to the next president who will have to make the tough choices.

On the other hand, news reports bubble up every now and then. Usually involving Cheney covertly flying into Riyahd to meet with the saudi royals, and then discretely flying back to washington. It has been speculated that the Saudis have threatened bush to not leave iraq. The saudis (and the arabs in general) fear that their hated nemisis, the Iranians will basically make Iraq a shite puppet state for the persians. And expand persian influence. An intolerable situation for the arabs. With saudi oil being the gun pointed at our heads, its not improbable to believe that the Saudis basically ordered bush to keep the US Army in Iraq. To blunt the advance of persian infuence into southern iraq.
It connects well with our new policy of arming and supporting the Sunni militants that we previously were fighting against. I suppose they think it is better to have a Sunni counterbalance to the Iranian Shiite majority in Iraq, even though Al Qaeda is a Sunni movement.

Who the fuck knows why they do anything at this point. Your suggestion is as good as any.
Bush is in a difficult situation.
Trying to take orders from the Saudi's, the Joos, and the oil companies, and the religious right all at the same time...