Is Bush slaughtering american soldiers simply for his ego?


Will work for Scooby snacks
Which is more the more plausible, in your estimation?

1) Bush is leaving american soldiers in Iraq, simply because he wants the next president to deal with the problem. He's running out the clock. Bush doesn't ever want to admit he was wrong for invading, nor does he want a strategic defeat to be part of his (and the GOP's) legacy. In short, Bush is willing to slaughter american soldiers for his ego, his legacy, and for political considerations.

2) Bush really believes that the original reasons he gave for going to war are still valid, he really believes he's establishing a pro-american democracy in mesopotamia, and that if we don't fight them there, the iraqi insurgents and militias will follow us home.
Much more likely one is the answer.

The guy struck me as a liar from the first day I saw him speak.

I dont know how I know this shit but It is almost never wrong in my experience.

I am very good at plucking them out of a crowd.
Yeah that is why he cherry picked the evidence and then said nothing when his number two(wow how fitting to call cheney number two) repeted know falsities about the intell.
:clink: 2 most people obviously dissagree with him.
But thanks for the comical juvinille option
Actually, I think it's a combination of both. The human capacity for denial is immense. Most of us, however, experience moments of doubt. He probably covers those with the comforting logic of option (1).

I don't really care, myself. He's damned either way.
Bush is a dirt bag and is smarter than most people think.

Hes not smart just smarter than most think he is.