Is dixie a living legend ?

Is Dixie a Living legend ?

  • Yes, Dixie is a living legend

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • No, Dixie is not a living legend

    Votes: 5 45.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

racist? yes
redneck? yes
slanderous toad? yes
yellow blooded chickenhawk? yes
coward extraordinaire? most definitely
closeted bush-loving queer? by all indications, yes

living legend? no fucking way
HAhahaha! Living Legends are not dependent on a poll, moron! Being that a large percentage of people are somewhat jealous of living legends, polls prove to be totally useless. I would say, the more "No" votes you get, the more proof there is, that I am indeed a Living Legend.
I'd have to vote yes, just based on the amount of energy spent talking about him...

Good job, Dix!
HAhahaha! Living Legends are not dependent on a poll, moron! Being that a large percentage of people are somewhat jealous of living legends, polls prove to be totally useless. I would say, the more "No" votes you get, the more proof there is, that I am indeed a Living Legend.

I knew this was coming, I just could not figure out the exact wording you would use Dix ;)
Dixie is a living legend after a fashion. I just fail to understand why he basks in his legend status as the most obtuse , dishonest, stupid poster on the board ?
Main Entry: leg·end
Pronunciation: 'le-j&nd
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English legende, from Anglo-French & Medieval Latin; Anglo-French legende, from Medieval Latin legenda, from Latin, feminine of legendus, gerundive of legere to gather, select, read; akin to Greek legein to gather, say, logos speech, word, reason
1 a : a story coming down from the past; especially : one popularly regarded as historical although not verifiable b : a body of such stories <a place in the legend of the frontier> c : a popular myth of recent origin d : a person or thing that inspires legends

I guess Dixie is a legend, the definition speaks of myths andnot verifiable stuff ;)
Ype his head is full of legend, not truth.
"it (Sarin) is classified as a WMD by the UN according to UN Resolution 687"


"UN Resoultions do not determine whether certain chemical weapons are WMD's."
The Golden Rule doesn't appear in the Bible. I think it is from ancient Jewish law,..

"Whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them."

The stuff legends are made of!