Is Donald Trump the most ideological president of all time?


Has there ever been a president more ideological than this? All he sees America as is this big block of land from which to promote his absurd, foreign, european imported ideology of white supremacy, white nationalism, and monoculturalism. He is the president of an ideology, not a nation. And the absurdity of trying to apply this foreign ideology to America - which has from the beginning never once been a monocultural society.
This is a Pence admin. Trump isn't interested in politics, or governing.

He's going to be "rally man," and a cheerleader, but that's it.
I think T #2 nailed it here.
Is Donald Trump the most ideological president of all time?
Perhaps among the least.

Trump says whatever he feels like saying at the moment.
And Trump has so little concern for his own reputation, he's willing to flip-flop with Olympian acrobatic contortionism.

- Hillary's going to jail.
- Hillary isn't going to jail.

- Trump will deport all the illegal aliens in the U.S.
- Trump will so some other damned thing (is this Thursday?)

- Trump's going to build a wall
- A fence might be OK

There are fruitcakes that aren't as nutty as this guy.
My A/C broke Thursday night. Put in a work order with my home warranty and it was up and running by noon yesterday. Thank goodness for ceiling fans they kept the house bearable. I really didn't want to sleep in my workshop. LOL
He is not ideological. He'll do whatever he perceives as generating the most amount of attention to himself and his 'brand.'
I don't think Donald Trump could spell "ideology."

Being the marionette of the corporate oligarchy serves him well,
he doesn't really even understand that
that is what he is
[he thinks he's pulling the strings],
and he's never going to change while he's still drawing breath.

What does that say about his supporters who view him as a messiah?
Has there ever been a president more ideological than this? All he sees America as is this big block of land from which to promote his absurd, foreign, european imported ideology of white supremacy, white nationalism, and monoculturalism. He is the president of an ideology, not a nation. And the absurdity of trying to apply this foreign ideology to America - which has from the beginning never once been a monocultural society.
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  1. based on or relating to a system of ideas and ideals, especially concerning economic or political theory and policy.

  2. Problem?
Has there ever been a president more ideological than this? All he sees America as is this big block of land from which to promote his absurd, foreign, european imported ideology of white supremacy, white nationalism, and monoculturalism. He is the president of an ideology, not a nation. And the absurdity of trying to apply this foreign ideology to America - which has from the beginning never once been a monocultural society.
No, Trump isn’t that disciplined to adhere to a political ideology, his only motivating thought is himself, if it works for him, benefits him, that is what he will follow. That which noted above just happens to satisfy his narcissism for the moment