Is Dubya Lucifer?


Well, no. But he hasn't gotten any better. I'm watching his idiotic speach at this moment. Still all emotion with no real substance. This isn't strattegy, this is cheerleading. He talks like a freakin' motivational speaker . . . and I fundamentally despise all motivational speakers as con-men and parasites.

I don't think I've ever loathed this . . . primate . . . any more than I do at this moment.

Well, no. But he hasn't gotten any better. I'm watching his idiotic speach at this moment. Still all emotion with no real substance. This isn't strattegy, this is cheerleading. He talks like a freakin' motivational speaker . . . and I fundamentally despise all motivational speakers as con-men and parasites.

I don't think I've ever loathed this . . . primate . . . any more than I do at this moment.

He could be....time will tell all! ;)
Bush is not lucifer, he is the rider on the red horse.....
Or so it might appear to the apocalypse believers.
Lucifer? Naww.....Cheney on the otherhand is a strong contender. Afterall, he shot an elderly man in the face and had him apologize.

Rosemary's baby perhaps?