Is eating people a solution to world hunger? The science behind 'Soylent Green'


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Released in 1973, Soylent Green imagines a dystopian nightmare version of 2022 in which overpopulation and climate disaster have made the Earth nearly unlivable. Resource and housing shortages have exacerbated class stratification, with the wealthy living in lush, reinforced houses while the rest of the population is scrounging for scraps just to survive.

With not enough to eat, half of the world's population is sustained only by a staple food source created and sold by the Soylent Corporation. It comes in various colors, the best of which is the titular Soylent Green. The company bills their new green variety as more nutritious, having been manufactured from oceanic plankton, but by the end we know the truth. Soylent Green is people!

The film was a stark commentary about the dangers of destroying our environment and the lengths to which some corporations could go to maintain profit. Now that we're actually in 2022, the world has seen an increase in novelty foods, including one supposed meal replacement shake named after the famed movie.

The question now is, could we really make Soylent? And would we want to?

Supposing, of course, we decided we wanted to transform our lost loved ones into food, we could definitely do it. The infrastructure already exists. After all, humans are just meat, no different from any other animal at the end of the day.



Democrats support Importing Millions of People into the US even though they Claim to Know that 'People' are the reason we have a 'Climate Problem'.
Putting 2 and 2 together, makes me think Soylent Green is a Solution the Democrats will support.
Democrats support Importing Millions of People into the US even though they Claim to Know that 'People' are the reason we have a 'Climate Problem'.
Putting 2 and 2 together, makes me think Soylent Green is a Solution the Democrats will support.

Would that open the door to a new and heretofore unprecedented form of racism which would manifest itself in discrimination against eating certain ethnicities?

Sounds like something that could put a whole new slant on the age old preference between "white meat or dark meat".
Would that open the door to a new and heretofore unprecedented form of racism which would manifest itself in discrimination against eating certain ethnicities?

Sounds like something that could put a whole new slant on the age old preference between "white meat or dark meat".

OK. You got me on that one. :)