Hello evince,
the corporations realized they would not be the kings if they didn't destroy the peoples hopes
so they began to support the republican partys cheating in elections
they didn't call him tricky dick for no reason
The problem with corporations is their capacity to accumulate power.
Since a corporation is not limited by a mortal lifetime, it can simply go on and on far longer than any human can live, accumulating power the whole time.
This gives them an unsurpassable advantage over living breathing humans, who only have one lifetime in which to accumulate wealth and power.
Unless, of course, the human has the luck to be born into a wealthy family.
There is a threshold of wealth, you know. Above this certain threshold, existence is very different. Continued wealth is almost guaranteed. One only has to understand how to manage it.
The threshold occurs when the principal is great enough that interest alone more than generates all the necessary cash flow to cover all expenses.
This threshold occurs for any entity which holds wealth, whether it be a human or a corporation.
The minimum size of the threshold is dependent on the amount of nondiscretionary expenses and interest rates, so it is different for each entity.
Most humans never reach it. If humans had more working years and longer lifespans, it would be more attainable. For most humans the threshold is currently above one million dollars.
But if they do reach it, they are usually able to pass it on to their offspring.
Being born into a 'family of wealth' is different than most people's existence. Life is different when you never have to worry about 'making it.' Very different. It is actually a tremendous responsibility maintaining the wealth without succumbing to the power, which not all are able to shoulder.
Some are born into a 'family of wealth,' but they don't get the big picture, so they manage to lose their wealth. This happened to Donald Trump's older brother. He saw how mean and nasty his father had to be in order to build wealth, and he didn't want to do that. He fell out of favor with his father over it, and was not given as much wealth as Donald was. He became an airline pilot, but also fell into alcoholism and eventually drank himself to death. Brother Fred's death is one of the reasons Trump will not touch alcohol. He knows he can't handle it. Just like wealth, he can't have just a little.
Using corporations to control people and extract their wealth is just one of the weapons of the Class War.