Is failure an Option


I was driving down the street one day (in comess traditional blues riff), And what did I see? (in 8 bar form) I saw a man in a car and he had a sticker that did say, "Failure is not an option son" and I can smell your feet a mile away... smile away, smile away ......

Seriously, Is that a good message? Is failure ever an option? Dont we learn the most from trials and error?

Bush is using the failure is not an option excuse for staying the path in Iraq. My response to this is.. Ok...I could accept this ... but first I would need a valid reason for Occupation in the first place. When we first went into Iraq it was because Saddam was building an arsenal of WMD and he is a threat to the USA, and when that could not be validated it turned into we are there to free the Iraqi's from a repressive regime and bring Democracy and Freedom, and other times it was a stratagy to take the War on Terror to the terrorists.

Well guess what George? In this case, Failure was an option right from the beginning and we should learn from the mistake, as a matter of fact..we should have learned from the mistake we made 40 somthin years ago by not repeating it... only this is more severe because we outright invaded a Country and turned it into more of a cluster fuck than ever before.

In the Halls of Congresss many mistakes that have led to failure have been made.... I can accept the American People taking the George Bush approach when voting this Nov. .... simply making the statement ... Failure is Not Option .... hit the road jack .....
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Failure is sometimes inevitable. Ignoring this fact only makes the end result worse. One must recognize failure in order to modify their actions to achieve success.
Failure is sometimes inevitable. Ignoring this fact only makes the end result worse. One must recognize failure in order to modify their actions to achieve success.

Agreed .... the prospect of failure is not something to dwell on when attempting to succeed. But as you say.... sometimes it is inevitable ...and it must be recognized. The most improtant thing is to anylise the road to failure and learn from the mistakes.

As an American People it is our duty to begin making the modifications come this Novemeber.
Agreed .... the prospect of failure is not something to dwell on when attempting to succeed. But as you say.... sometimes it is inevitable ...and it must be recognized. The most improtant thing is to anylise the road to failure and learn from the mistakes.

As an American People it is our duty to begin making the modifications come this Novemeber.
I will be doing my small part.
I concur with most people on here. Failure is something that occurs. If you learn from the mistakes then failure doesn't have to be all that negative.

My personal motto (if I had one) would be 'Onwards and Upwards'...
One of my favorite sayings that I remember from my grandfather is, "One thing you should never fear is failure, there is no such thing as failure, just learning opportunities."
I personally would rather we get out now rather than ten thousand dead Americans from now....and if that is called "failure", I would accept that moniker if it meant saving that many lives. This thing is getting ready to blow up in our faces and being stubborn is just plain stupid if it only serves to get more of us killed.
Given this bit of hyperbole from Vice President Cheney on Meet The Press of Sunday March 16, 2003 "My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators."

He continued with this bright view: "To suggest that we need several hundred thousand troops there after military operations cease, after the conflict ends, I don't think is accurate, I think that's an overstatement."

Given these bits of bravado, I think they have already failed, unfortunately they have learned nothing or next to nothing so far. The fact that American troops are already operating in Iran shows that they have not only not learned anything but just as they were quite anxious to begin the war in Iraq long before they had finished their previous escapade in Afghanistan, they are already readying for another war in Iran. So they have already failed and learned nothing.

What has been lost in all this talk of Iraq though, is the general sense that Afghanistan, the war that nearly everyone supported, it was the good war, the just war, after all, but no less a failure for all that, is in fact just as big a failure for America. A re-emergent Taliban and the re-emergent of Osama bin Laden in a recent campaign commercial again demonstrates the Bush administration's love-hate relationship with the bin Laden and his terrorists friends. Yes, nearly everything Bush has done has been a failure, Iraq is only the current topic of conversation.
If failure is not an option, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz et al should be instantly sacked, their predictions before the war have failed miserably, as have the tactics and strategy they employed.

It seems failure is an option for the Bush regime.
I agree failure is not an option... but come on. Neither is his plan of more of the same!
I was driving down the street one day (in comess traditional blues riff), And what did I see? (in 8 bar form) I saw a man in a car and he had a sticker that did say, "Failure is not an option son" and I can smell your feet a mile away... smile away, smile away ......

Seriously, Is that a good message? Is failure ever an option? Dont we learn the most from trials and error?

Bush is using the failure is not an option excuse for staying the path in Iraq. My response to this is.. Ok...I could accept this ... but first I would need a valid reason for Occupation in the first place. When we first went into Iraq it was because Saddam was building an arsenal of WMD and he is a threat to the USA, and when that could not be validated it turned into we are there to free the Iraqi's from a repressive regime and bring Democracy and Freedom, and other times it was a stratagy to take the War on Terror to the terrorists.

Well guess what George? In this case, Failure was an option right from the beginning and we should learn from the mistake, as a matter of fact..we should have learned from the mistake we made 40 somthin years ago by not repeating it... only this is more severe because we outright invaded a Country and turned it into more of a cluster fuck than ever before.

In the Halls of Congresss many mistakes that have led to failure have been made.... I can accept the American People taking the George Bush approach when voting this Nov. .... simply making the statement ... Failure is Not Option .... hit the road jack .....

Failure for Bush is inevitable. His strategy is and will be an utter failure.

Failure for the United States is not a forgone conclusion. If our leadership either changed, or took a different course. Like actually talking directly to Iraq's neighbors who have a vested interest: Syria and Iran.

A real leader would convene a summit of all of Iraq's regional neighbors, and hash our a regional deal through aggressive diplomacy.