Is God Bigger Than Ine Religion?


Aint I a cutie? HEH HEH
Normally I wouldn't get involved in such an issue, but this question was posed on tv today.:

It seems one Episciple Reverend Ann Holms Redding, has been removed from her office for stating that she is now both a muslim, and a Christian.

True, a full out christian beleives tht Jesus was a god person, along with the other two members of the trinity

A muslim on the other hand beleives as I do that he was a man far before his time, but still a mortal.

The question is this, can there be a meetingplace here for a person to beleive that Christ taught Christian ways, without actually being a God? if so, why can't there be a half-way house between the religions? I think there can. Do you???
Normally I wouldn't get involved in such an issue, but this question was posed on tv today.:

It seems one Episciple Reverend Ann Holms Redding, has been removed from her office for stating that she is now both a muslim, and a Christian.

True, a full out christian beleives tht Jesus was a god person, along with the other two members of the trinity

A muslim on the other hand beleives as I do that he was a man far before his time, but still a mortal.

The question is this, can there be a meetingplace here for a person to beleive that Christ taught Christian ways, without actually being a God? if so, why can't there be a half-way house between the religions? I think there can. Do you???

Dear Donny,

Brilliant! I like this "half way" compromise idea. Finding the middle ground, between moral dilemas. Nicely done, sir!

I can see a middle ground between the muslim and christian vision of Jesus; that he's somewhere between a great Prophet, and a divine being.

I can also middle ground in a christian church, where I man can be attracted to both women and men. And that the church could be accepting of that. Do you know any churches like that, Donny?

There's no particular reason, I mentioned that last example. Just shooting the poop with you Donny! Mental brain-stormin', as it were.

God bless.

Warm regards,

Dear Donny,

Brilliant! I like this "half way" compromise idea. Finding the middle ground, between moral dilemas. Nicely done, sir!

I can see a middle ground between the muslim and christian vision of Jesus; that he's somewhere between a great Prophet, and a divine being.

I can also middle ground in a christian church, where I man can be attracted to both women and men. And that the church could be accepting of that. Do you know any churches like that, Donny?

There's no particular reason, I mentioned that last example. Just shooting the poop with you Donny! Mental brain-stormin', as it were.

God bless.

Warm regards,

I was brought up with a very strick moral code. No real emphases on it. that was just the was it was. I had seen animal;s dropped, but never connected them with humans. So for the first part of my life, I was very stright-laced. HOWEVER. some 45 years ago, I became involved ( in a friendly manner with a man in dllas Texes. we both had affairs with the same two women, etc.. two years later, I realized that I had also had feelings for that man Note: two years after the lst time IO saw him.

It surprised me to when I realized it, But it got me thinking. Why shuld people be so uptite about the gender of the people they were froends with? and I realized that this Gender fettish was just that---a fetish, (except of course that it was necessary to have two different genders to propogate.

That was the only time I was ever attracted tlo a man, but I could see me doing so again "IF" conditions were right. Now, Relationship-wise, I am uno-gender. I don't care what my friend is. I have had several Gay friends, and I have a transsexulal lady friend who used to be a man. In my ernest opinion. SO WHat. thus getting back to your point. people deserve to be happy with whom-ever they chose, same gender, or other.
Jesus was cool. He was kick back, and understood that mankind needed something to believe in. He said many wise things that have since been perverted by the major Christian religions. The dude wasn't God, he was just a guy who got it, understood that self inflicted pain, suffering and wars were retarded.

He was like Sadartha Gautama and David Carradine. Unfortunately for him, they nailed him to the cross, tortured him to death. Butt, it was good for his legacy. Unfortunately, many people decided that he was an egotistical prick who would send everyone to hell unless they worshipped him. When he comes back, he's gonna be enraged.
Normally I wouldn't get involved in such an issue, but this question was posed on tv today.:

It seems one Episciple Reverend Ann Holms Redding, has been removed from her office for stating that she is now both a muslim, and a Christian.

True, a full out christian beleives tht Jesus was a god person, along with the other two members of the trinity

A muslim on the other hand beleives as I do that he was a man far before his time, but still a mortal.

The question is this, can there be a meetingplace here for a person to beleive that Christ taught Christian ways, without actually being a God? if so, why can't there be a half-way house between the religions? I think there can. Do you???

Jesus's divinity was a rather artificial result of the Nicean council. This also established the Catholic church. I think this was done mainly to appease the Romans and to solidify the Catholic power base.

Before that time, most Christians had been Unitarians and only believed that God was God.
Dear Donny,

Brilliant! I like this "half way" compromise idea. Finding the middle ground, between moral dilemas. Nicely done, sir!

I can see a middle ground between the muslim and christian vision of Jesus; that he's somewhere between a great Prophet, and a divine being.

I can also middle ground in a christian church, where I man can be attracted to both women and men. And that the church could be accepting of that. Do you know any churches like that, Donny?

There's no particular reason, I mentioned that last example. Just shooting the poop with you Donny! Mental brain-stormin', as it were.

God bless.

Warm regards,


Wow, an entire three paragraphs devoted to being funny and not a single laugh. Good job, Cypress.
Jesus was cool. He was kick back, and understood that mankind needed something to believe in. He said many wise things that have since been perverted by the major Christian religions. The dude wasn't God, he was just a guy who got it, understood that self inflicted pain, suffering and wars were retarded.

He was like Sadartha Gautama and David Carradine. Unfortunately for him, they nailed him to the cross, tortured him to death. Butt, it was good for his legacy. Unfortunately, many people decided that he was an egotistical prick who would send everyone to hell unless they worshipped him. When he comes back, he's gonna be enraged.
A rather crude approach (no offense intended) but i do get it, and agree
Jesus's divinity was a rather artificial result of the Nicean council. This also established the Catholic church. I think this was done mainly to appease the Romans and to solidify the Catholic power base.

Before that time, most Christians had been Unitarians and only believed that God was God.

yes and the modifications have continued. Absorbtion of pagan holidays and such. It has been an ongoing sales job.
A rather crude approach (no offense intended) but i do get it, and agree

I'm deeply, gravely offended. Suicidal really. If I was Jesus, I would send you to eternal torture, while still claiming to love you. But I'm just Beefy, so I'll pop some pills, smoke some pot, hit a couple of shots, drink some beers, smoke a pack of Camel non-filters, follow it up with a swisher sweet or two, pack a little snuff in my lower lip, and head to the casino. I'll be fine then.
All christians know of the christian Jesus is from birth to 12, then from 30 to 33. He disappeared from the bible for 18 years.

There are records of the historical Jesus traveling east, which would not be hard to imagine given that the historical Jesus was an arab. There is no race called Jewish. That's a religion.

The historical Jesus was dark as he's depicted in the bible. He did not look biker a biker from Montana as he's depicted in western picrtures of Jesus. That's Michealangelo's cousin/lover.

One of the most sacred idols all over europe is the Black Madonna. The black Virgin Mary holding her black child Jesus.

The works in europe but would never do in America.

Point is .. religion is created. It's man-made. As previously stated, the Council of Nicea voted to declare Jesus divine, 325 AD.

Wouldn't take much imagination to blend Islam and Christianity. Problem is that religion is also control. Nobody wants to give up control.
Wow, an entire three paragraphs devoted to being funny and not a single laugh. Good job, Cypress.

These are funny:

-Watermark: “I'd blow Ron Paul!” (full politics May 23)

-Watermark: “I'd blow beefy's beefy beef. “(JPP August 13)

-Watermark: “Yes! Let me give you a blowjob, oh holy one!” (full politics Dec. 25, 2005)

-Watermark: “Fuck you, nigger!” (jpp April 27)

-Watermark: “I'm going to beat your skull in and have sex with your nose.” (fp June 22, 2006)

-Watermark: “YOU BLACK LOVE TOO?! All these mongrels are trying to take over our nation... if we don't fight tooth and nail we'll be negrified in a century…”(jpp April 27)

-Watermark: “I think I'm going to put this in my sig. :

LadyT: "You're a racist!"
Me: "Well then, fuck you, nigger!" (jpp April 30)

-Watermark: “Fuck you. you bigoted bitch. You're dragging this nation backward with your sexist, racist, regionalist talk and I hate you. The nation as a whole would be better off with your ignorant ass just fell off a cliff somewher.” (October 26)

-Watermark: “Osama's my secret lover. How'd you know?” (fp June 12)
I'm deeply, gravely offended. Suicidal really. If I was Jesus, I would send you to eternal torture, while still claiming to love you. But I'm just Beefy, so I'll pop some pills, smoke some pot, hit a couple of shots, drink some beers, smoke a pack of Camel non-filters, follow it up with a swisher sweet or two, pack a little snuff in my lower lip, and head to the casino. I'll be fine then.

These are funny:

-Watermark: “I'd blow Ron Paul!” (full politics May 23)

-Watermark: “I'd blow beefy's beefy beef. “(JPP August 13)

-Watermark: “Yes! Let me give you a blowjob, oh holy one!” (full politics Dec. 25, 2005)

-Watermark: “Fuck you, nigger!” (jpp April 27)

-Watermark: “I'm going to beat your skull in and have sex with your nose.” (fp June 22, 2006)

-Watermark: “YOU BLACK LOVE TOO?! All these mongrels are trying to take over our nation... if we don't fight tooth and nail we'll be negrified in a century…”(jpp April 27)

-Watermark: “I think I'm going to put this in my sig. :

LadyT: "You're a racist!"
Me: "Well then, fuck you, nigger!" (jpp April 30)

-Watermark: “Fuck you. you bigoted bitch. You're dragging this nation backward with your sexist, racist, regionalist talk and I hate you. The nation as a whole would be better off with your ignorant ass just fell off a cliff somewher.” (October 26)

-Watermark: “Osama's my secret lover. How'd you know?” (fp June 12)

For the love of Peter, would you stop bringing up that Beefy's beef thing? Chiminey, are you trying to shiver me timbers?
I don't think myself and Cypress get along very well. As we all know, the proper solution to this situation is to shake hands, say you're sorry, and just ignore each others comments forever more.
I don't think myself and Cypress get along very well. As we all know, the proper solution to this situation is to shake hands, say you're sorry, and just ignore each others comments forever more.

I thought you 2 were the same guy ?

psst, there are only 4 poster on this board.