APP - Is Google opening itself up to regulation?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Project Vertias is at it again and has proof that Google is using its power to try to silence conservatives. Apparently Google is passing around a petition to use its power to put Breitbart out of business.

Now as a free market guy, I am opposed to government regulation of Google. But, since they hide behind government then the could potentially be opening themselves up to regulation.

For example. Google claims protection under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, saying they are impartial publishers of content therefore not liable for the content they publish. But, it is clear that Google is anything BUT partial so they cannot hide behind Section 230

I wonder if there is a way to revoke that claim and hold them liable for their content until their change their behavior?
Short answer is likely no. If they're smart (if) they'll do like entertainment did decades ago and form their own private regulatory agency like the ESRB or MPAA, so as to avoid a government agency looking after them. However, it may not be enough to avoid the hands of the FTC.