APP - Is Hillary really ignorant of the Russian Dossier?


Hillary claims she didn't know anything about the Russian dossier. So does the democrat national party. Nobody knows anything about it, but at the same time they claim it was just standard oppo research

But Hillary posted 8 tweets related to Trump and Russia right about the time of the dossier. So me thinks she is lying again. I know this comes as a shock, but it looks like Hillary Clinton lied about her knowledge of the Russian Dossier
surly this is a tongue in cheek question ,this is HILDABEAST we are talking about , of course she is a pathological liar,if her lips are moving she is lying.
Oppo research and dirty tricks are usually contained at the level of the head of the campaign, giving the candidate plausible deniability for the seamier side of the contest. I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary never saw the document or was never told of its specific contents. There are some things the candidate just doesn't want to know about. The candidate's husband? That's a different story.
Oppo research and dirty tricks are usually contained at the level of the head of the campaign, giving the candidate plausible deniability for the seamier side of the contest. I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary never saw the document or was never told of its specific contents. There are some things the candidate just doesn't want to know about. The candidate's husband? That's a different story.

“Kremlin gave info to Christopher Steele,” tweeted Ari Fleischer, the former press secretary to President George W. Bush. “His oppo-research was paid for by the Clinton campaign. If that’s not collusion, what is?”