Is it necessary to wash your bath towel?


New member
You get out of the shower and wipe off hot water and soap on it then hang it up to air dry.

Isn’t that just like washing it everyday?
I cook.
The Gestapo does the laundry.

Thus I've no problem with filling up the towel hamper using two for each shower.
You get out of the shower and wipe off hot water and soap on it then hang it up to air dry.

Isn’t that just like washing it everyday?

The water remains behind, so you are not washing it out. Whenever you have water and carbon(like from dead skin) things will start growing. You wash your towel to wash those things out. Just drying your body does not wash those things out, because the water remains behind.
You get out of the shower and wipe off hot water and soap on it then hang it up to air dry.

Isn’t that just like washing it everyday?
I knew a coworker once. She was good looking and had a hot body but she had a major BO problem. I’m guessing she didn’t bathe much and, even when she did, she never washed her towel.

The act of drying off living flesh leaves particles of that flesh on the towel. In addition, any bacteria on the skin cells or surface of the body would left on the towel to grow into a science experiment.
If you want to dry off with a clean towel then you have to wash that towel

If you don’t care if it’s clean you have the option to not wash it