Is it time for the Supreme Court to repeal Roe vs Wade and sodomite "marriage"?


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Is it time for the Supreme Court to repeal Roe vs Wade and sodomite "marriage"?

With Barrett nominated, the Supreme Court now has 6 conservative judges, and only a paltry 3 liberal ones.

All we need now is a few lawsuits in the next decade or so, and Roe vs. Wade will be gone forever, never to return; sodomite "marriage" should be on the agenda as well.

It's a bloody wonderful time to be on the right side of history. Soon the obsolete whore Hillary and her subhuman sycophants will be dead and immolated in Hellfire for eternity as well, so I look forward to watching the show unfold.
Aw... whatcha gonna do when it's ruled unconstitutional sometime within the next several years? The court is packed with conservatives, so it's just a matter of when, not 'if'.

How are Roe v. Wade and SSM unconstitutional?
How are Roe v. Wade and SSM unconstitutional?
No argument is necessary, all that we need to do is get the 6 conservative judges to rule that is is, and it will become so by force off law whether traitors like it or not.

Hopefully the 1st Amendment will eventually be reviewed as well, and leftist and subversive propaganda, degeneracy, blasphemy, and other varietes of filth masquarading as "frees speech" will no longer be protected, but punished as treason against state and God as well.

So not only will abortion be banned, but voicing support for abortion will no longer be allowed at all, it will be punished as a form of sedition and rebellion against the new national state, national church, and national education system, in which only patriotic speech, views, art, and expression is allowed to exist, leftists and subversive filth will become the new "Jews" to line the walls of death camps with.
Maybe this troll should try being less obvious with their subject, writing, and intention. Now hopefully I can get rid of this bored feeling. Where's Watermark anyway? He's a more entertaining troll. At rare times, I can't even tell with certinty if he's serious or not.
With Barrett nominated, the Supreme Court now has 6 conservative judges, and only a paltry 3 liberal ones.

All we need now is a few lawsuits in the next decade or so, and Roe vs. Wade will be gone forever, never to return; sodomite "marriage" should be on the agenda as well.

It's a bloody wonderful time to be on the right side of history. Soon the obsolete whore Hillary and her subhuman sycophants will be dead and immolated in Hellfire for eternity as well, so I look forward to watching the show unfold.

You have the option to stop male to male sex, anytime you want. You do not have to report it here. It is your personal decision. If you marry a man. it is none of our business and it will have no impact on our lives. Just do what god made you to do. You are free to be what god made you to be.