Is Jarod dead?

Funny thing is

Jarod keeps being proven correct and the right keeps turning out to be incorrect

Bush lied us to war

Bush crashed the economy with the failed Republican economic ideas

Trump tried to keep the people from having the president they picked

Putin is an evil man

And by you all fell for the crap lies that None of that was true

Jarod didn’t
Im here, accomplishing my goals. Making money and raising responsible healthy kids.
I’d savor getting him in a dental malpractice suit deposition. I’ve made those failed lawyers look like complete fools all three times I’ve had that chance.
I only had to sit for one malpractice deposition. It was kind of fun making the lawyer look unprepared and dumb. After that I was quickly dropped from the case. Lawyer : You let her lay around in the E.R. for hours and hours. Me: No I had her diagnosed and a helicopter flown in from a hour away in in less than 90 minutes and transferred her to a larger hospital where she arrived alive but died several hours later.. Him: (switches the subject..) :laugh:
I only had to sit for one malpractice deposition. It was kind of fun making the lawyer look unprepared and dumb. After that I was quickly dropped from the case. Lawyer : You let her lay around in the E.R. for hours and hours. Me: No I had her diagnosed and a helicopter flown in from a hour away in in less than 90 minutes and transferred her to a larger hospital where she arrived alive but died several hours later.. Him: (switches the subject..) :laugh:

My last experience went something like this:

Ambulance Chaser: Dr. C didn't prescribe antibiotics before the extraction causing an acute infection and the pt. had to be referred to an ENT to manage it.

Anonymoose: Correct. That is the Standard of Care. Antibiotics are not prescribed before routine extractions unless indicated. It's stated right here in the latest edition of Antibiotics in Dental Practice. In addition there are literally hundreds of published articles about the overuse of antibiotics. Here are the abstracts of three lamenting the overuse of them and no need for their use before a routine extraction.

Ambulance Chaser: :confused:
Did you file an Unusual Occurrence Report due to this incident?

Anonymoose: Yes. The Health Center has two locations and this patient , in her medical hx, stated she was prone to infections but didn't do so in the health hx of the location where she had the extraction.
I made an Unusual Occurrence Report due to the fact that she falsified her health hx and recommended she be dismissed from the health center.
No dentist in the Health Center will touch this patient since we don't know what else she falsified in her health hx.

Ambulance Chaser: :confused: :confused:
Ms. Lowlife got an acute infection after the extraction. It had to be due to the substandard care by Dr. C.

Anonymoose: The infection occurred in the pterygomandibular space. If the extraction caused an infection it would first have to manifest in the submandibular space, then spread to the pterygomandibular space. The two anatomical spaces are 'walled off' by the pterygomandibular raphe.
Since there was no infection of the submandibular space the extraction could not have possibly caused the infection in the pterygomandibular space.

Ambulance chaser: :confused: :confused: :confused:
You seem to have an opinion on this case.

Anonymoose: I do. It's based on science. You seem to have one also.

Ambulance Chaser: Do you have any idea how Ms. Lowlife got the infection?

Anonymoose: I can only speculate. She's obviously in poor health by her morbid obesity. The blotched complexion could be due to acute alcoholism.

Case dropped.

Side note: Ambulance Chaser had two previous DUI's and two charges of domestic violence according to Alaska Courtview. A real sleeze.
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