Is Michael Moore sick?


Staff member
I just saw a video of the guy, he looked swollen. (Yes, I know he is fat, but that isn't what I'm talking about he looks extremely unhealthy...)
I haven't seen him in a long time. I refuse to watch him. He disgusts me.
I haven't seen him in a long time. I refuse to watch him. He disgusts me.
It was a clip of him talking about other people being anti-American for some reason or another, I didn't listen. I was too busy looking at somebody who appears to be very ill.
MM has been right about nearly everything his movies talked about.

Why do so many hate those who bring them truth?
MM has been right about nearly everything his movies talked about.

Why do so many hate those who bring them truth?

He has used innuendo to replace facts. He called his works documentaries, but did everything in his power to manipulate facts.

His treatment of Charlton Heston in BFC was unforgiveable. His standing outside congress asking congressmen if they would send their kids into Iraq was a joke. One of the ones he showed said no. What MM didn't mention was that this man had only small children.

The man makes propaganda.
MM has been right about nearly everything his movies talked about.

Why do so many hate those who bring them truth?
What has this to do about "hate"? He appears to be in poor health and I asked if he was sick.
As for the original question on the thread... OF course Michael Moore is sick. If he wants to see what is wrong with our healthcare system, he simply needs to look in the mirror.

His overweight out of shape ass is a prime example of what is wrong in this country. Instead of making his 'documentaries' he should have spent his time watching a REAL documentary.... perhaps the one called supersize me????

Then maybe lard ass wouldn't be weezing every time he got out of his car or up from a chair.