APP - Is Mueller really trying to get to the bottom of Russian collusion?


So I just learned that the impeccable, unimpeachable, boy scout who served in Vietnam named Robert Mueller has yet to interview Natalia Veselnitskaya or Julian Assange. Also, why has our friend Papodopolous never been charged with a crime? Why has Carter Page never been charged with a crime? Supposedly they were at the heart of getting these original investigations started.

But, it is really odd that Natalia has never been interviewed given the nefarious Trump Tower meeting with Don Jr. You would think that she would be at the top of the list for the unimpeachable, impeccable Robert Mueller to interview. One wonders why he hasn't gotten around to it.

Also, given that it is standard belief among our friends on the left that Julian Assange was in cahoots with Da Russians, one would think that the impeccable, unimpeachable Robert Mueller who served in Vietnam would have sent a contingent of his vast Hillary supporting staff to interview him. I mean Mueller has an open wallet.
He got to the bottom a long time ago and found nothing. But its carte blanch to muckrake so he's looking for anything to make Trump look bad. And if it's illegal, unethical or even unconstitutional, who cares ?
At the time of the 2016 election Julian Assange was hiding out in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. The Swedish warrant against him has since been dropped, but he's still there and now holds Ecuadorian citizenship.

Ms. Veselnitskaya is practicing law in Russia, representing among others the Federal Security Service (FSB). It is unlikely that she would agree to be interviewed.

Trump's one-time campaign manager Paul Manafort has been indicted for conspiracy against the United States, money laundering, being an unregistered agent of a foreign principal, etc. etc. Page and Papadopoulos have not been indicted as far as we know.

You're welcome.
At the time of the 2016 election Julian Assange was hiding out in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. The Swedish warrant against him has since been dropped, but he's still there and now holds Ecuadorian citizenship.

Ms. Veselnitskaya is practicing law in Russia, representing among others the Federal Security Service (FSB). It is unlikely that she would agree to be interviewed.

Trump's one-time campaign manager Paul Manafort has been indicted for conspiracy against the United States, money laundering, being an unregistered agent of a foreign principal, etc. etc. Page and Papadopoulos have not been indicted as far as we know.

You're welcome.

None of those things you mention would prohibit Mueller from trying. Assange isn't going anywhere. I am sure that the russian lawyer would cooperate. Mueller hasn't even tried. Don't you find that curious give his "impeccable" resume? Did you know he served in Vietnam?
None of those things you mention would prohibit Mueller from trying.

I think it would be a waste of time trying to interview Assange or Veselnitskaya. Even if they agreed to be questioned, would they tell the truth? Why should they? They are safe where they are.

Anyway, let's wait and see. Mueller has been in business less than a year. The Starr inquiry went on for nearly five years and came up with a blow job.