Is Nascar Rascist ?

Yeah me too, but it is THE sport of southerners.
Of course I am a bit abbienormal, I don't like to watch any sports. Used to like playing them but never watching.
I can't say either way. I haven't heard of any black people trying to compete and being discriminated against and I definitely have no personal stories of someone going and being discriminated against.

But I'm sure they are anyway.
"Yeah me too, but it is THE sport of southerners."

and Hockey is a sport of northerners... what percentage of hockey players are black? are they racists too? Or is it just that there aren't many black hockey players out there?

NASCAR is the second most boring sport out there. How anyone can stand to watch people drive in a circle is beyond me.
"Yeah me too, but it is THE sport of southerners."

and Hockey is a sport of northerners... what percentage of hockey players are black? are they racists too? Or is it just that there aren't many black hockey players out there?

NASCAR is the second most boring sport out there. How anyone can stand to watch people drive in a circle is beyond me.

they're racist too. :pke:
LOL. since posting this I found an article that states there are black Wannabe drivers, but no sponsors.....
"they're racist too"

Oh no... I think it is YOU that is the race-ist. Hatin' on all the morons that think driving in circles is a sport.
I can't say either way. I haven't heard of any black people trying to compete and being discriminated against and I definitely have no personal stories of someone going and being discriminated against.

But I'm sure they are anyway.

Damo mentioned Wendell Scott, and Richard Pryor made a fantastic movie about his life story. He was the first black driver in NASCAR, and this was in the midst of the Civil Rights era, in a sport inherently tied to the South. During his racing days, he was certainly discriminated against, and treated with complete disrespect as a driver. Is NASCAR a racist sport? It certainly was at one time, but we live in a completely different era, and society's views have certainly come a long way from the 60's in the South, and across America, for that matter.

There are not currently any black drivers in NASCAR, and I don't think there are any women drivers in the Nextel Cup Series of NASCAR, maybe one. It's not a popular sport among the black community, but when I lived in Memphis, the young black males were all into wearing the racing jackets of NASCAR... I don't know what that was about, it seemed a bit odd to me, but they all had their "colors" and wore them with pride.

I've covered many NASCAR races, and I have seen some black people at the races, not many, but there were some. In fact, one of the best times I've ever had at a race, was when I camped out in the infield of Talladega, and met a black couple who were big into racing. I never saw any trouble, never saw any fights between blacks and whites, never saw any discrimination, never heard any racist remarks, just 150,000 die-hard race fans, happy to be together in one place.
Damo mentioned Wendell Scott, and Richard Pryor made a fantastic movie about his life story. He was the first black driver in NASCAR, and this was in the midst of the Civil Rights era, in a sport inherently tied to the South. During his racing days, he was certainly discriminated against, and treated with complete disrespect as a driver. Is NASCAR a racist sport? It certainly was at one time, but we live in a completely different era, and society's views have certainly come a long way from the 60's in the South, and across America, for that matter.

There are not currently any black drivers in NASCAR, and I don't think there are any women drivers in the Nextel Cup Series of NASCAR, maybe one. It's not a popular sport among the black community, but when I lived in Memphis, the young black males were all into wearing the racing jackets of NASCAR... I don't know what that was about, it seemed a bit odd to me, but they all had their "colors" and wore them with pride.

I've covered many NASCAR races, and I have seen some black people at the races, not many, but there were some. In fact, one of the best times I've ever had at a race, was when I camped out in the infield of Talladega, and met a black couple who were big into racing. I never saw any trouble, never saw any fights between blacks and whites, never saw any discrimination, never heard any racist remarks, just 150,000 die-hard race fans, happy to be together in one place.

racism isn't precluded to "fights" nor is it to explicitely racist behaviour. Just because you didn't "see" any of it in your infinite wisdom, doesn't mean it wasn't there. Unless the individuals perpetrating the act in question are democrats, you'll have to pardon me, because I'm highly skeptical of your observations of racism.
racism isn't precluded to "fights" nor is it to explicitely racist behaviour. Just because you didn't "see" any of it in your infinite wisdom, doesn't mean it wasn't there. Unless the individuals perpetrating the act in question are democrats, you'll have to pardon me, because I'm highly skeptical of your observations of racism.

This is true, and you will notice, I didn't state that there was no racism in NASCAR, I simply don't know. I can only condemn what I see, and if I don't see people being racist, I find it hard to condemn them for it. I'm fairly certain, out of 150,000 people at any given NASCAR race, there are likely some racist among them, the odds of there not being, is essentially nil. I don't think the official organization that is NASCAR, is racist in their policies or guidelines, I've seen no evidence of that since the days of Wendell Scott, nor do I think such policies would fly, this day and age.