Is our society changed by the recession?

I don't know about the recession changing the country, but it certainly has changed my behavior. I had a lovely Christmas, only gift I bought was an $11 toy for my 8 month old grand nephew.

I'll never go back to using credit cards, although I didn't use them excessively in the past. So yes, the recession has had an impact on me, much the same that the depression made on many of the old people we knew growing up.
I don't know about the recession changing the country, but it certainly has changed my behavior. I had a lovely Christmas, only gift I bought was an $11 toy for my 8 month old grand nephew.

I'll never go back to using credit cards, although I didn't use them excessively in the past. So yes, the recession has had an impact on me, much the same that the depression made on many of the old people we knew growing up.

The credit card companies have started a new scam here. Borrow money at 0% interest for six months. Of course, after six months the rate jumps to almost 20%. Anything to lure the people in.
The credit card companies have started a new scam here. Borrow money at 0% interest for six months. Of course, after six months the rate jumps to almost 20%. Anything to lure the people in.

Teaser rates aren't new, are they?

The point is, are we transforming from a debtor society into a saver society?

If so, what are the wider implications?
Our society is not only being changed by this recession, it's being destroyed by 30 yrs of monopolistic conservative ideology.
"The Conservative movement has created the image that selfishness is self sufficiency, That weaklings and Communists believe in bonds of community and common purpose and that your willingness to sell your own mother for profit isn't absolute greed, but a scientific principle called the Free Market.

Conservatives like Limbaugh, Hannity, Dick Cheney and others have supported torture and stated that empathy should disqualify someone from the Supreme Court. They have worked for thirty years since Ronald Reagan, the first cue card reader, was president, to shred the social fabric of this nation and as our economic crisis would indicate have possibly permanently succeeded."

If after 30 years of outsourcing, Nafta/Gatt, WTO and 45,000 manufacturing plants leaving the country during the Bush yrs, real unemployment around 20% you still can't see how conservatives have put profits over Americans then you need to try to evolve into a human and try to grow a brain. What are you, fucking blind?
"The Conservative movement has created the image that selfishness is self sufficiency, That weaklings and Communists believe in bonds of community and common purpose and that your willingness to sell your own mother for profit isn't absolute greed, but a scientific principle called the Free Market.

Conservatives like Limbaugh, Hannity, Dick Cheney and others have supported torture and stated that empathy should disqualify someone from the Supreme Court. They have worked for thirty years since Ronald Reagan, the first cue card reader, was president, to shred the social fabric of this nation and as our economic crisis would indicate have possibly permanently succeeded."

If after 30 years of outsourcing, Nafta/Gatt, WTO and 45,000 manufacturing plants leaving the country during the Bush yrs, real unemployment around 20% you still can't see how conservatives have put profits over Americans then you need to try to evolve into a human and try to grow a brain. What are you, fucking blind?

So an opinion piece is your supporting evidence for your contention that "conservatism" is soley responsible for every negative aspect of modern American life?
Oh no, another stupid question.
My answer to this one is yes, conservative ideology has sucked the wealth from the middle class, started illegal wars, has outsourced our production to slave labor countries and now wants American labor to compete with slaves in China. Conservatives love communists, why else would they invest there instead of America?
All you really have to do is look at the state this country is in to realize what the Republicon party has in mind for workers in America. And don't scream about Clinton, he's a conservative too.
Oh no, another stupid question.
My answer to this one is yes, conservative ideology has sucked the wealth from the middle class, started illegal wars, has outsourced our production to slave labor countries and now wants American labor to compete with slaves in China. Conservatives love communists, why else would they invest there instead of America?
All you really have to do is look at the state this country is in to realize what the Republicon party has in mind for workers in America. And don't scream about Clinton, he's a conservative too.

And the progressives bear no complicity in any of the societal ills you mention? They failed to halt or mitigate the damaging effects of conservatism that you cited,

And, no, you made the claim, so the burden of proof is yours.

All you really have to do is prove your case.
Teaser rates aren't new, are they?

The point is, are we transforming from a debtor society into a saver society?

If so, what are the wider implications?

Usually the teaser rates were lower than regular but still higher than savings accounts.

As for saving we'll all become a bunch of misers! Of course, I'm sure we all have family members who fall into that category already. :(
Usually the teaser rates were lower than regular but still higher than savings accounts.

As for saving we'll all become a bunch of misers! Of course, I'm sure we all have family members who fall into that category already. :(

weren't we a saver more than a spender nation during our golden age? we didn't really become over spenders until the late 80's and then the nineties we were citizens gone wild
And the progressives bear no complicity in any of the societal ills you mention? They failed to halt or mitigate the damaging effects of conservatism that you cited,

And, no, you made the claim, so the burden of proof is yours.

All you really have to do is prove your case.

I think the case is proven by the situation we're in.

I recall, many years ago, collecting unemployment insurance. When I suggested to the counselor I should take some upgrading courses he told me I couldn't do that. When I pressed for the reason he explained employers paid into the UI fund and they didn't want to pay for people's education.

(I think it's Georgia that has recently changed the rules and encourage people to take training while collecting UI.)

The point is it's the old school thinking that unemployed people are lazy. That one has to scratch and claw their way up the ladder. That suffering is God's will. As Crashk notes it's the free enterprise system taken to the extreme.

The strange thing about it is we know people treat others as they were treated. There used to be a public ad here saying family violence breeds violence. It carries from one generation to another. So does selfishness and not caring for others.

Can we fault a person for not caring when they almost starved while putting themselves through school? Can we fault a person for not caring when the government does nothing while they lose their job and home?

Another thing I find illogical is while we all know family is the building block for societies we encourage society to work the opposite way. Families support each other and work together while members of society are encouraged to be independent and competitive to the point where some citizens end up hungry and homeless.

As a world leader US citizens did well. It didn't matter who cared about whom as there were plenty of jobs and money for "all". That's changed. When scarcity strikes, lack of jobs/money, people have to pull together.

That is how the country started. Communities sharing among the people. Either we voluntarily change or social unrest will develop and if that happens it will take a long time to straighten things out.

As the old saying goes, "A country divided quickly falls." Is competition or co-operation the answer? I think the latter.

On that note it's nap time. :)