Is pathological lying in the Trump family DNA?


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With information surfacing about Trump ramrodding Jared and Ivanka's security clearances, we can now add Ivanka to the list of Trump family members capable of staring into a camera and boldly lying without so much as batting an eyebrow. It would appear that Daddy taught his daughter well. Truly sad indeed.
Both Donny and Ivanka lied when asked about it. The security concerns were so serious that 2 administration officials made sure their positions were recorded. Trump has the power to grant Jared clearance, even though he was borrowing mega millions of dollars from Saudis and foreign banks. The Saudis knew they could get their hooks into the Trumps with money, So did Putin.
Besides jared had to redo his security clearance application a zillion times. That alone DQd him.
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Is sociopathy inheritable - › Categories › Science › Biology › Genetics

It is belived that sociopathy is caused both by a genetic link and early childhood life. Somone could have the genetic trait to become a sociopath but never develop into one because their early life was fine, or they could live in a completely abusive home and never become one becuase they do not have the trait.

Comparison chart
Psychopath versus Sociopath comparison chart

Suffers from
Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD); lack of empathy; no conscience
Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). High impulsivity.
Origin of illness
Psychologists generally use the term psychopathy to imply an innate condition of the individual. It's derived from the nature part of the nature vs. nurture debate.
The term sociopathy generally implies that environmental factors, such as upbringing, have played a role in the development of the ASPD.
Predisposition to Violence
Varies; generally low
Criminal behavior
Tendency to participate in schemes and take calculated risks to minimize evidence or exposure.
Tendency to leave clues and act on impulse.
Criminal Predispositions
Tendency for premeditated crimes with controllable risks, criminal opportunism, fraud, calculated or opportunistic violence.
Tendency for impulsive or opportunistic criminal behavior, excessive risk taking, impulsive or opportunistic violence.
Social relationships
May appear superficially normal in social relationships, but has no attachments, empathy or conscience. Often social predators. May hurt family and friends without feeling guilt. Values relationships that benefit themselves.
Can empathize with close friends or family; will feel guilty if they hurt peop
Intelligence intercepted foreign officials saying that Jared's complex business entanglements and his financial difficulties, with his utter lack of foreign policy experience, could be manipulated to their advantage. No way he should have gotten clearance.
Not only did Trump lie about involving himself in the Kushner security process, Trump lied when he said he wasn't sure he had the authority to do. He has already involved himself in Kushner's security issue when he made BOTH denials.
Donald Trump is a pathological liar. He should never be trusted.

As for Jarod Kushner...there is no way he should have a security clearance...nor access to any materials handled in the White House. The idea of him having "the middle east problems" as part of his portfolio is insanity, considering he and his family are involved in tens of billions of dollars in that area. There are matters where the problem may resolve to:

I can do "a"...which is best for the United States but will cost my family tens of billions of dollars...

...or I can do "b"...which will negatively impact on the United States, but which will protect my family's interest and fortune.

Absolute fucking insanity.
With information surfacing about Trump ramrodding Jared and Ivanka's security clearances, we can now add Ivanka to the list of Trump family members capable of staring into a camera and boldly lying without so much as batting an eyebrow. It would appear that Daddy taught his daughter well. Truly sad indeed.

it certainly is in yours.....
The thing I'd point to is the fact people who operate in the upper classes feel like they can make shat up and the average Joe or Jane will believe. It is a kind of self indulgent belief in their superiority. Imagine if your daughter or son lied constantly, how would you feel, you may not think it bad if you are privileged, for you too have done it all your life. It is an act of creative make believe, a sense of complexity that fits the world you exist in. Truth is mine because I am me. Advertising does it daily, will you really be more attractive because you drive a Lexus. You will be because image matters, truthful or not. They are the pure, the privileged, and the special and the little people follow and admire, oh and believe or excuse....

"Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies." Friedrich Nietzsche

"Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land'

"We're always saying that “children are our nation’s most valuable resource.” Unfortunately, we don’t behave as if we believe it. Between 2000 and 2010, the number of children living in poverty in America increased by 41 percent, and now includes nearly one-quarter of our kids. Growing up in poverty is bad. It leads to lower graduation rates (a third of these children will not graduate from high school); lower incomes (nearly half will still be living in poverty at age 35); and lower life expectancy (by about eight years)." Ezekiel J. Emanuel
Both Donny and Ivanka lied when asked about it. The security concerns were so serious that 2 administration officials made sure their positions were recorded. Trump has the power to grant Jared clearance, even though he was borrowing mega millions of dollars from Saudis and foreign banks. The Saudis knew they could get their hooks into the Trumps with money, So did Putin.
Besides jared had to redo his security clearance application a zillion times. That alone DQd him.

Nope.. Jarod borrowed money from Qatar.

Qatar revamps investment strategy after Kushner building bailout
Dmitry Zhdannikov, Herbert Lash, Saeed Azhar
8 Min Read

* Firm in which Qatar invested bails out Kushner tower in NY
* Jared Kushner an ally of Saudi prince who led Qatar boycott
* Bailout prompts Doha to rethink investment strategy - sources
* Aims to avoid investing in funds it does not control - sources (Adds graphic on sovereign wealth funds)
By Dmitry Zhdannikov, Herbert Lash and Saeed Azhar

LONDON/NEW YORK/DUBAI, Feb 11 (Reuters) - When news emerged that Qatar may have unwittingly helped bail out a New York skyscraper owned by the family of Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law, eyebrows were raised in Doha.

Kushner, a senior White House adviser, was a close ally of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman - a key architect of a regional boycott against Qatar, which Riyadh accuses of sponsoring terrorism. Doha denies the charge.

Brookfield, a global property investor in which the Qatari government has placed investments, struck a deal last year that rescued the Kushner Companies’ 666 Fifth Avenue tower in Manhattan from financial straits.
Donald Trump is a pathological liar. He should never be trusted.

As for Jarod Kushner...there is no way he should have a security clearance...nor access to any materials handled in the White House. The idea of him having "the middle east problems" as part of his portfolio is insanity, considering he and his family are involved in tens of billions of dollars in that area. There are matters where the problem may resolve to:

I can do "a"...which is best for the United States but will cost my family tens of billions of dollars...

...or I can do "b"...which will negatively impact on the United States, but which will protect my family's interest and fortune.

Absolute fucking insanity.

That's exactly what I was thinking. To this family, money is the #1 priority. Always has been, always will be. The country comes in a distant second. Handing people like this the keys is insanity too, eh?
this is why religion should not be turned into clubs

organizing religion often ruins the actual meaning of a religion