Is perpetual outrage killing the party ?


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Dems Wonder If Perpetual Outrage Hurting Party...

It seems there may be a few sane donkeys, who would have guessed ?
After losing 1000+ seats at all levels the answer has to be a resounding "duh".
You boys need to punt the ancient dinos running you off the cliff and soon.
But you won't and so you will die.
Wonder what sorts of phoenix' will rise from those ashes ?

You mean that "Saving the Planet", "Making a Difference" and Preening their Moral Indignation (ie. "Self Importance") might not matter all that much to everyday people ???
Democrats are still under the illusion that people think about ideas in an open forum of ideas. They haven't learned that people only hear and believe what they are programmed to hear and believe. People don't listen to media channels because they want to learn, instead they want confirmation. Eighty years of corporate propaganda has made the myth and the myth lives. A thoughtful person knows that Trump is a fraud. But they are rare on both sides of the fence. One side believes, the other exhibits 'outrage' if you want to call it outrage. Outrage is just another part of the language game. In truth Trump is an economic moron, thus his bankruptcies and lying about his wealth, hiding his taxes etc etc etc. The democrats need to learn that, they need to call the man out for what he is, an inherited rich boy who is has bully qualities, but is dumb as a post. The myth doesn't die because you are outraged.

Even Trump's comments are dumb dumb dumb.

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey 'Taking the Risk out of Democracy'

"The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all objectivity - much less dissent." Gore Vidal
Eighty years of corporate propaganda has made the myth and the myth lives. A thoughtful person knows that Trump is a fraud.

The problem with Democrats is they’ve been brainwashed by “eighty years” of leftist propaganda promoting the fraud that particular factions of people and races of people are victims of capitalism as opposed to being victims of themselves and the leftist scam that purchases their ignorant votes with taxpayer’s money.
Democrats are still under the illusion that people think about ideas in an open forum of ideas. They haven't learned that people only hear and believe what they are programmed to hear and believe. People don't listen to media channels because they want to learn, instead they want confirmation. Eighty years of corporate propaganda has made the myth and the myth lives. A thoughtful person knows that Trump is a fraud. But they are rare on both sides of the fence. One side believes, the other exhibits 'outrage' if you want to call it outrage. Outrage is just another part of the language game. In truth Trump is an economic moron, thus his bankruptcies and lying about his wealth, hiding his taxes etc etc etc. The democrats need to learn that, they need to call the man out for what he is, an inherited rich boy who is has bully qualities, but is dumb as a post. The myth doesn't die because you are outraged.

Even Trump's comments are dumb dumb dumb.

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey 'Taking the Risk out of Democracy'

"The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all objectivity - much less dissent." Gore Vidal

Want to make America great, again? Stop enabling freeloading leeches that contribute nothing to society to be freeloaders pretending that giving them someone else's money is anything more than buying their votes. 50 years, since LBJ's Great Society started and all we have is $22 trillion wasted trying to solve a problem where money isn't the cause of the problem. The sad part is you lefties think wasting more money on such programs will produce a result other than the nothing in results its done for 50 years. If you bleeding hearts think doing so is such a good idea, spend your own money. MY money is for MY family not the family of some son of a bitch that refuses to do for his.
Dems Wonder If Perpetual Outrage Hurting Party...

It seems there may be a few sane donkeys, who would have guessed ?
After losing 1000+ seats at all levels the answer has to be a resounding "duh".
You boys need to punt the ancient dinos running you off the cliff and soon.
But you won't and so you will die.
Wonder what sorts of phoenix' will rise from those ashes ?

its just beating a dead horse.....donkey?.....
Dems Wonder If Perpetual Outrage Hurting Party...

It seems there may be a few sane donkeys, who would have guessed ?
After losing 1000+ seats at all levels the answer has to be a resounding "duh".
You boys need to punt the ancient dinos running you off the cliff and soon.
But you won't and so you will die.
Wonder what sorts of phoenix' will rise from those ashes ?

Timely. Atlantic has a nice article called Can Megan Kelly Escape her Past. The beginning sets forth that the Republicans are trained by design of Roger Ailes to be the party of perpetual outrage. Tell me, do you no account Repugs scour the news for ideas and simply flip the script on every witty and incisive slam made about you and your filthy, greedy buddies? It sure seems that way. It's always opposite day online when you read a repuke lemming post.

You control government very temporarily, and we control the majority of humanity, and that is a megatrend, epochal, and ineluctable.
Timely. Atlantic has a nice article called Can Megan Kelly Escape her Past. The beginning sets forth that the Republicans are trained by design of Roger Ailes to be the party of perpetual outrage. Tell me, do you no account Repugs scour the news for ideas and simply flip the script on every witty and incisive slam made about you and your filthy, greedy buddies? It sure seems that way. It's always opposite day online when you read a repuke lemming post.

You control government very temporarily, and we control the majority of humanity, and that is a megatrend, epochal, and ineluctable.

You're on crack, right ?