Is poor old Hillary dying?

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I'm OK with Vice President Pence taking over if necessary.

Trump beat Hillary, so he's already done what I wanted him to do.

Looks like this old woman may not live to run again.

She looked pretty ill to me, even last year.


Poor old thing.
I'm OK with Vice President Pence taking over if necessary.

Trump beat Hillary, so he's already done what I wanted him to do.

Looks like this old woman may not live to run again.

She looked pretty ill to me, even last year.

Poor old thing.

Cons are scum. You're just gullible. Sad!

"From Donald Trump and his top surrogates to the right-wing media and its engine rooms of outrage in the blogosphere, Hillary Clinton's opponents are ramping up efforts to sow doubt over the candidate's health.The campaign -- which goes back years -- has escalated to shouting over the summer, as Trump spiraled in the polls while mostly failing to connect with voters outside his base demographic. Now, as the race enters a crucial phase, there has been a growing push to fundamentally undermine Clinton's candidacy.

Much in the way "birthers" (Trump was among the most prominent) sought similar ends by questioning President Barack Obama's citizenship, the "healthers" are using junk science and conspiracy theories to argue that Clinton is suffering from a series of debilitating brain injuries. In an interview on "Fox News Sunday" this weekend, former New York City mayor and Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani first accused the mainstream media of hiding evidence, then encouraged doubters to "go online and put down 'Hillary Clinton illness.'"

There is absolutely no credible evidence to backstop any of these claims, including on the "videos" Giuliani cited. Clinton's physician -- the only person to speak on the record who has actually examined her -- has repeatedly affirmed the former secretary of state's health and fitness for the highest office in the land. for those who want to believe, the structure of the lie borders on impenetrable -- baked into its "medical" assertions is the tightly held belief that the press is in cahoots with Clinton, protecting her political prospects by working overtime to hide her imagined ailment. The facts, though, tell a very different story. This is it."

The roots of the health conspiracy theory go back to late 2012

Karl Rove helped plant the seeds in 2014

The alleged 'seizures'

The 'fall'

The "syringe" and fake medical records

She better not, what would you conservatives do with your Hillary obsession, half of talk radio would cease, Fox would have to fill the void with real news, oh wait, forget that last one, the White House wouldn't allow that

So you say, anchovies.

Personally, I'd mistrust a report of her death. I'd be willing to bribe the mortuary attendants for a minute alone with her, so I could make sure she wasn't faking.

I may not have long to wait until the inevitable happens, by the look of things.

She's hasn't been looking too steady, has she?


Poor old thing.