Is President’s Trump’s Bark Worse Than His Bite?


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To the best of my knowledge, not one Democrat ever said he/she wanted to transform this country into a democracy, yet Democrats, Socialists/Communists, and journalists have been claiming credit for the transition since April 2, 1917. Note that the earliest Socialists were demanding democracy years before Wilson made it official:

Making the World “Safe for Democracy”: Woodrow Wilson Asks for War

Democrats/Socialists/Communists and illegal aliens are defending democracy as though President Trump is singlehandedly trying to overthrow the Democrat Party’s preferred form of government before a majority of Americans agree to live in a Socialist paradise.

Move to the cursor to 2:35 and listen to Brit Hume:

If Trump’s wants to prove his bite is worse than his bark he can make democracy versus a constitutional Republic a campaign issue. I would love see every Democrat run against the form of government our Founders gave us. I cannot wait to hear a Democrat defend the Constitution and democracy in the same breath.
Liberals are idiots, Trump is not anything like a huge change from what we had before. If anything he's just honest about the doing the shit that liberals have long been pulling and claiming to be doing in the name of "democracy". America looks out for its own self interest, but it always pretends to be pursuing higher goals. Trump just nakedly says, I'm pursuing national self interest. I'd rather we had a foreign policy based on justice, but at least Trump's foreign policy is an honest one.
To MASON: Harry Truman was the last good Democrat, but he was not right about Socialist policies as the record shows. I doubt if he would say the same things today if he knew where his party took the country since LBJ.

Yeah Harry Truman vetoed Taft Hartley. Based.
Did you people flunk civics in school?

The US is a democratic republic, we have a republican form of Governmemt structured by the Constitution, with the representatives in that Republic selected democratically by majority vote.

It is not a straight republic, nor is it a constitutional republic, but a democratic republic, not that difficult to understand
America is a republic, not a democracy. Also America is the greatest democracy on Earth, somehow.

To KILL WHITEY: Nice misdirection.

Trying to marry our Republic to democracy does not change a basic fact:

1. Capitalism is an economic system that works to perfection for the most people in a severely limited form of government.

2. Socialism is a form of government that works for the least number of people.

3. Socialism and capitalism are, and always will be, incompatible.

And this:

Throughout history every generation produced a legion of fools and parasites who believed that a benign totalitarian government is possible. Throughout history democracy has been the parasite’s preferred form of government. Throughout history democracy failed.

Democracy is the road to socialism. Karl Marx

More socialism means more democracy, openness and collectivism in everyday life. Mikhail Gorbachev

Regardless of how democracy starts out it ends in tyrannical government. To be precise, democracy is always going towards something worse; never towards liberty guarded by property Rights.

To MASON: Is the old yardbird the best you can come up with?

Eugene V. Debs (1855 - 1926) ran on the Socialist Party ticket five times; once when he was in prison. He never got more than a million votes during Socialism’s best years.

It is not a straight republic, nor is it a constitutional republic, but a democratic republic, not that difficult to understand


To archives: Your bullshit is not that difficult to understand.
Did you people flunk civics in school?

The US is a democratic republic, we have a republican form of Governmemt structured by the Constitution, with the representatives in that Republic selected democratically by majority vote.

It is not a straight republic, nor is it a constitutional republic, but a democratic republic, not that difficult to understand

Diarrhea mouth should really wear an adult diaper over her head. Her latest attack of Montezuma’s Revenge dumped this load of crap on the country; ". . . existential threat to our democracy."

As the eldest sibling, I used to taunt my kid sister in all manner of petty and childish ways, until she opened her mouth to tattle — at which point I would accuse her of the very conduct I had been dishing out. The more strident her outraged protests became, the more she convicted herself.

House speaker Nancy Pelosi declared that the Trump administration is an "existential threat to our democracy."

Quite aside from the fact that the United States of America is not, never was, and was never meant to be a democracy, Madame Speaker cites facts not in evidence — very conspicuously not in evidence.

Following more than two years and millions of dollars wasted in a phony "investigation" of a crime that everyone in America knew had not occurred, Democrats have painted themselves into the ugliest corner in history.

I suppose we can't blame them for trying to whistle past the graveyard on this. What else can they do — tell the truth?


Sad to say, every Democrat knows that Hillary Clinton & Company will never see the inside of a prison let alone the inside of a criminal court. Immunity from criminal prosecutions is the only chance they have of winning the election in 2020.

The truth places most of the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and many Democratic Party leaders in federal prison for wholesale election fraud and sedition. The truth is, as we've known it all along, that the only election-tampering that occurred in 2016 was perpetrated by the Democrats in a desperate effort to keep Donald J. Trump out of the White House. Everything they've screamed about since then has been a brazen attempt to hang Trump for the crimes committed by his opposition.

Clearly, the truth won't serve.

The trouble with continuing to lie is that they're running out of lies to throw at this president. If the Democrats launched into the month of May charging President Trump with murder, would anyone at this point be surprised? It's about the only crime they haven't accused him of already. Today, they're settling for the charge du jour: being an existential threat to democracy.

In what way is President Trump a danger to our nonexistent democracy? Has he threatened to tear up the Constitution, as Democrats have done and continue to do? Has he violated someone's rights, as the Democrats have done and continue to do? Has he deprived someone of a civil liberty, as Democrats do daily? We keep hearing this inflammatory rhetoric, but it's like an urban legend. It's always an unnamed, unspecified, unphotographed, unvetted "something" that occurred to a brother of a friend's cousin.

The democracy lie must be repeated over and over until Americans believe it —— even if it means illegal aliens spilling American blood fighting for non-existent Rights.

Well, to be fair, Democrats have asserted one particular right President Trump has violated, affecting millions of people: the "right" to cross our borders, enter our country, and remain here illegally. But the problem with that is, there's no such right. Nor should there be.

Ironically, those who assert that America has no right to secure borders are an existential threat to our republic, because without a border, you aren't a country. If you're not a country, what are you?

So while Madame Speaker practices her histrionics for the cameras, we are treated to another psychosis whereby Democrats charge Republicans with crimes committed in reality by Democrats. It's become a favorite tactic of the Left: accusing us of doing what leftists themselves are doing.

It's like an elder sibling torturing his kid sister for sadistic laughs, except when your brother taunts you, there's no chance that his jibes will burn your house down. The Democrats are setting fire to America. Because they would rather burn down your house than lose another election. Is that strong language?

Consider: Democrats are willing to ascribe unspeakable crimes to a man they knew to be innocent, just because they needed a leftist ideologue in his job. They are willing to demolish our electoral system — the worldwide standard of fair and balanced elections — by rampant fraud until we draw derision from banana republics. They are willing to sabotage wars just to acquire leverage against an opponent, as they did in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are willing to watch law enforcement officers executed in the streets just to push a false narrative of racial injustice. They are willing to do whatever it takes, pay whatever it costs, to perpetuate their delusional ideology.

Speaker Pelosi fretting on national television about existential threats to America is too much like Nikita Khrushchev complaining that those ungrateful mobs in Budapest got blood all over his shiny tanks. Her opportunistic posturing was never amusing, but now it's taken on a deadly edge. Americans are getting hurt, getting killed, over this fantasyland nonsense.

When will Americans decide enough is enough, that governing by mass hallucination can't work, and finally put an end to the farce the Democratic Party has become?

April 25, 2019
Pelosi: Trump is an 'existential threat to our democracy'
By Michael J. McNamara, Sr.
Diarrhea mouth should really wear an adult diaper over her head. Her latest attack of Montezuma’s Revenge dumped this load of crap on the country; ". . . existential threat to our democracy."


Diarrhea mouth better stop eating ex•lax like they are Hershey bars. Her mouth is so uncontrollable she is liable to drown in her own excrement:

Pelosi: The Attorney General 'Lied to Congress'; 'That's a Crime'
By Susan Jones
May 2, 2019 | 11:32 AM EDT
To the best of my knowledge, not one Democrat ever said he/she wanted to transform this country into a democracy, yet Democrats, Socialists/Communists, and journalists have been claiming credit for the transition since April 2, 1917. Note that the earliest Socialists were demanding democracy years before Wilson made it official:

Making the World “Safe for Democracy”: Woodrow Wilson Asks for War

Democrats/Socialists/Communists and illegal aliens are defending democracy as though President Trump is singlehandedly trying to overthrow the Democrat Party’s preferred form of government before a majority of Americans agree to live in a Socialist paradise.

Move to the cursor to 2:35 and listen to Brit Hume:

If Trump’s wants to prove his bite is worse than his bark he can make democracy versus a constitutional Republic a campaign issue. I would love see every Democrat run against the form of government our Founders gave us. I cannot wait to hear a Democrat defend the Constitution and democracy in the same breath.

That isn’t a winning argument with an uneducated electorate

He just needs to keep the economy humming and run on that record.

Esoteric debates about constitutional republics vs true democracy is futile
That isn’t a winning argument with an uneducated electorate

To Teflon Don: Nor is it a losing argument.

He just needs to keep the economy humming and run on that record.

Esoteric debates about constitutional republics vs true democracy is futile

To Teflon Don: The economy people, the border security people, the strong-military people etc. will come out and vote anyway. The trick is to bring out those one-issue voters who understand that voting against democracy is most important because it is a foundation issue for Democrats. If you doubt me listen to the number of Democrats attacking Trump because he is a threat to “our [THEIR] democracy.” That accusation is a direct appeal to Democrat voters.

Finally, listen to media mouths in the last few weeks of October 2020. In every election paid pundits tell us the same thing. It all comes down to turnout. For once they are spot on. That is why Trump should not concede democracy to Democrats when he is riding the winning horse in the race for turnout.
Diarrhea mouth better stop eating ex•lax like they are Hershey bars. Her mouth is so uncontrollable she is liable to drown in her own excrement:

Question: “Is Congress, at this moment in history, actually functioning as a coequal branch?”

Rep. Pelosi: “I think we are a superior branch, quite frankly. We have the power to make the law and the president enforces the law.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: ‘We Are a Superior Branch’ of Government
By Craig Bannister
May 9, 2019 | 10:01 AM EDT

Constipation of the brain forgot to mention that she is stopping the president from enforcing immigration laws.
“Are they saying most of the people who have ever come to the United States in the history of our country are without merit because they don’t have an engineering degree?" Pelosi said, drilling into the administration's argument.

Pelosi calls Trump immigration plan's focus on merit 'condescending'
By Tal Axelrod
05/16/19 12:37 PM EDT

Diarrhea Mouth reverted to a scam parasites abandoned a few years ago —— never distinguish between illegal aliens and legal immigrants.

More importantly, The-Mouth-That-Shit’s ignores the most important fact in immigration. Those immigrants that contributed so much to building this country did so by working for themselves and their loved ones.

Diarrhea Mouth’s illegal aliens are coming here for free healthcare, free education, and all the free stuff welfare state programs provide.
