Is Princess Harry (Gad Saad) low IQ?


ButterMilk Man
I keep hearing this. And that he is hard headed, that so many people tried to save him from Meghan....but he was not having it.

I keep hearing this. And that he is hard headed, that so many people tried to save him from Meghan....but he was not having it.


Oh he's definitely stubborn without any doubt and not exactly the brightest bulb on the Xmas tree. I saw this on Quora, pretty much nails it.

Meghan has been described by multiple psychologists as a textbook example of a Narcissist.

For those who don’t know, Narcissists are very similar to sociopaths, except they love fame and power, not violence. Those with NPD are famous for emotionally manipulating and abusing their victims in order to suck as much money, power and fame from them as possible before destroying them. Which is exactly what Meghan did with her first husband, her first family and the Royal Family. Eventually, this is what she will do to Prince Harry as well. As time passes, she will totally take over Prince Harry’s entire life, and drain him of everything he’s got until he is under her total control, if he isn’t already. Then she will discard him and move on to her next victim.

For those who doubt me, look at how Meghan has treated people in the past:

TEN of her staff reported that Meghan was an “abusive bully”. Another said she ruled with “a reign of terror”, and another said she was an “unhinged sociopath”.

Meghan used her first husband to climb the ladder into furthering her career than heartlessly dumped him when he no longer served a purpose. Spousal abandonment is considered abuse, by the way.
Meghan kicked homeless people off the streets because they made her look bad.

When Meghan’s own dad was dying in a hospital of two heart attacks, she ruthlessly cut him off.

Meghan dumped her entire family once she became famous. They said it was because she no longer wanted to associate with them because they were poor and lower class than her.

Meghan refused to help her own family members struggling with homelessness and poverty despite being one of the wealthiest women in the world.
Her entire family said she was a narcissistic sociopath. If an entire family says someone is a narcissist BELIEVE THEM.

She abandoned her dog then lied later to cover it up.
She took money that was supposed to go to charity and used it to fund her business.

Meghan made up false accusations of racism against the Queen of England for not giving her son a title or security. Most of the Queen's white great grandkids don’t have titles or security. So claiming it was based on race was a big fat lie.

Meghan Markle is a Wolf in sheep’s clothing. She pretends to be innocent while carving up her victims while no one is watching.

No wonder why she is the most hated woman in Britain.
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