Is Romney Pro-Life? or a flip-flopper?

Apperantly he has no "moral center" and will "say anything" to get elected.
The way we pick a president should really be reformed.

We either need more parties or a weaker primary system.

Maybe we should have a nationwide primary and the top 5 finishers then have a three or four month campaign for the job, no primary or party canidates, just whoever gets the top five positions. Of corse you will end up with people like Oprah and Trump, but you would also get some really good canidates.

Its an idea, any others?
All in the pot, No primaries. And the one that gets the most votes is president, the one with the second highest votes is VP. that way the people get wahat they want even if the president resigns or something.
"Semantics and wordplay."

Similar to how Pro-abortion became Pro-choice. Sounded better and made people feel less guilty. When bottom line... you are either FOR abortion being legal or you are AGAINST abortion being legal.
Amd how the war in Iraq became the war on terror. that was thought up by an ad guru working for bush btw.

Semantics and word play seem to be where it is at now. Perception, not reality.
"Semantics and wordplay."

Similar to how Pro-abortion became Pro-choice. Sounded better and made people feel less guilty. When bottom line... you are either FOR abortion being legal or you are AGAINST abortion being legal.

But what you are ignoring is that you can be FOR abortion being legal...

But against people having abortions!

So if you are talking purely politically and legally I am pro-legal-abortion. If you are talking about choice of individual people, I am Pro-Life.