Is Shepard Smith Really A News Reporter?


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Is Shepard Smith a news reporter for Fox News, or just another opinionated talking head?

I’m of the opinion that news reporters are supposed to just report the news in an unbiased manner avoiding their own political and moral biases?

Seems Shepard Smith fails that definition of “news reporter.” Mr. Smith just the other day proclaimed loudly to open his alleged news hour that President Elect Donald Trump untruthfully claimed that the Russians had nothing to do with the electronic hacking of the Democrat National Committee’s e-mails. Mr. Smith then loudly pronounced that was “absolutely not true, every intelligence bureau had said that the Russians were responsible for the DNC e-mail hacking,” in effect calling the President Elect a liar.

Actually President Elect Trump simply expressed his opinion that he didn’t believe anybody actually knew who was responsible for the DNC hacking. Mr. Smith jumped at the opportunity to denounce and slander the President Elect for his opinion.

I’m no fan of Donald Trump myself, but fair reporting and setting the record straight is called for on this issue. The intelligent agencies all agree that there’s a Russian fingerprint on the DNC hacking, but there’s no exclusive evidence to point only to the Russians. That’s why a bipartisan call for further investigation is being observed in the Congress.

Shepard Smith has revealed himself as just another opinionated biased talking head and not a real news reporter and to be often ignored.
there is no such thing anymore, Brian Williams was a lying idiot. There hasn't been a true reporter since Walter Kronkite
Shepard Smith is just another biased talking head. He's a "news reporter" in a pig's ass! No wonder media ratings are lower than whale shit! CASE CLOSED!

Oh yeah! He also thinks the Pope is God! Another Fox Catholic Hypocrite!
Is Shepard Smith a news reporter for Fox News, or just another opinionated talking head?

I’m of the opinion that news reporters are supposed to just report the news in an unbiased manner avoiding their own political and moral biases?

Seems Shepard Smith fails that definition of “news reporter.” Mr. Smith just the other day proclaimed loudly to open his alleged news hour that President Elect Donald Trump untruthfully claimed that the Russians had nothing to do with the electronic hacking of the Democrat National Committee’s e-mails. Mr. Smith then loudly pronounced that was “absolutely not true, every intelligence bureau had said that the Russians were responsible for the DNC e-mail hacking,” in effect calling the President Elect a liar.

Actually President Elect Trump simply expressed his opinion that he didn’t believe anybody actually knew who was responsible for the DNC hacking. Mr. Smith jumped at the opportunity to denounce and slander the President Elect for his opinion.

I’m no fan of Donald Trump myself, but fair reporting and setting the record straight is called for on this issue. The intelligent agencies all agree that there’s a Russian fingerprint on the DNC hacking, but there’s no exclusive evidence to point only to the Russians. That’s why a bipartisan call for further investigation is being observed in the Congress.

Shepard Smith has revealed himself as just another opinionated biased talking head and not a real news reporter and to be often ignored.

No....Smith is a confirmed liberal. Strange that you'd have to ask.
No....Smith is a confirmed liberal. Strange that you'd have to ask.

"Liberal" is a subjective word. Real political liberals are supporters and promoters of the Bill Of Rights. Leftist aren't liberals in any true sense of the word, they're progressive neo-communist.