APP - Is the China virus Trump's 9/11 moment?


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Numerous news outlets noted on Wednesday that COVID-19 has now killed more Americans than the 9/11 attacks.

Very little commentary, however, was devoted to the difference between the DEMOCRAT response to the current crisis compared to their reaction to that national emergency.

Now, for the DEMOCRATS, the deaths of more Americans and the destruction of our national economy no longer “transcend” political considerations or partisanship.

Last Sunday morning, for example, the current DEMOCRAT Speaker of the House took to the talking-head circuit to make the bizarre claim that President Trump’s management of the coronavirus pandemic is comparable to the negligence of the Roman Emperor Nero.

those of us who have followed the daily press briefings of the Coronavirus Task Force know that Pelosi’s accusation is false.

A common myth promulgated by Pelosi and other DEMOCRATS involves the alleged failure of the Trump administration to replenish the Strategic National Stockpile.

Connecticut’s DEMOCRAT governor, Ned Lamont, repeated this canard Tuesday: “It was disturbing today to find out that the national strategic stockpile is now empty.”

However, the Obama administration depleted the stockpile: "The H1N1 influenza pandemic of 2009 triggered the largest deployment in U.S. history of the Strategic National Stockpile … The stockpile distributed 85 million N95 respirators…. [T]he stockpile’s reserves were not significantly restored after the 2009 pandemic, in the view of industry and public health experts".

The voters know that our president is sacrificing his strongest claim to a second term — the economy — for the good of the American people.
Numerous news outlets noted on Wednesday that COVID-19 has now killed more Americans than the 9/11 attacks.

Very little commentary, however, was devoted to the difference between the DEMOCRAT response to the current crisis compared to their reaction to that national emergency.

Now, for the DEMOCRATS, the deaths of more Americans and the destruction of our national economy no longer “transcend” political considerations or partisanship.

Last Sunday morning, for example, the current DEMOCRAT Speaker of the House took to the talking-head circuit to make the bizarre claim that President Trump’s management of the coronavirus pandemic is comparable to the negligence of the Roman Emperor Nero.

those of us who have followed the daily press briefings of the Coronavirus Task Force know that Pelosi’s accusation is false.

A common myth promulgated by Pelosi and other DEMOCRATS involves the alleged failure of the Trump administration to replenish the Strategic National Stockpile.

Connecticut’s DEMOCRAT governor, Ned Lamont, repeated this canard Tuesday: “It was disturbing today to find out that the national strategic stockpile is now empty.”

However, the Obama administration depleted the stockpile: "The H1N1 influenza pandemic of 2009 triggered the largest deployment in U.S. history of the Strategic National Stockpile … The stockpile distributed 85 million N95 respirators…. [T]he stockpile’s reserves were not significantly restored after the 2009 pandemic, in the view of industry and public health experts".

The voters know that our president is sacrificing his strongest claim to a second term — the economy — for the good of the American people.

Trump spent the first few weeks pretending that Covid-19 wasn't a big deal, even saying the concern over the virus was a hoax, and lying about having everything under control.

So yes, the DEMOCRATS are right. Trump handled the virus poorly and has proven that electing a celebrity for the lulz is a bad idea.
From the beginning of the Wuhan virus outbreak many in the media have been playing a dangerous game in which their objective has been to make President Trump look as bad as possible.

Remember when Trump mentioning the promise of hydroxychloroquine as potential treatment was treated as him selling snake oil to the American people?

Now the New York Times reports it helped victims in a study.

Remember when a man died because he and his wife ate fish tank cleaner because Trump supposedly told them to? Now it turns out she’s a big donor ... to DEMOCRATS.

When the President and Vice President began holding daily briefings to inform the American people of what was going on, the media spent most of its energy focused on minor rhetorical differences in how Trump and Drs. Anthony Faucci and Deborah Birx described what was going on instead of the vital information the briefings provided.

In response, the media makes fabulous and fabricated claims that Trump’s briefings were too dangerous to be shown live because the President of the United States supposedly cannot be trusted.

Do you know who they do trust? The Communist Chinese government. We were regaled with stories about how "China gave the world valuable time through it’s efforts to contain the virus". Later we were told that "our own cases surpassed that of China".

But, then we learned yesterday from Dr. Brix, and today from US intelligence that China has been lying. Every time the Communist Chinese lied the media acted like a cocker spaniel chasing a tennis ball.

Now these same pundits who downplayed the virus and said it was from China in January and February are revising history to pretend they didn't.

The job of the news media is not to be the ally of the president. It is also not to cast irresponsible and unfounded doubt on the government of the United States while cheering Red China. It leaves people confused and misinformed.
Within hours of President Trump's decision to restrict travel from China on Jan. 31, top DEMOCRATS and media figures immediately derided the move as unnecessary and xenophobic -- and they are now beating a hasty retreat from that position as the coronavirus continues to ravage the economy and cause scores of deaths.

DEMOCRAT presidential contender Joe Biden led the way, quickly attacking what he called Trump's "record of hysteria, xenophobia and fear-mongering" after the travel restrictions were announced, and arguing that Trump "is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency."

Biden now claims he didn't criticize the travel ban in any way, and instead accused Trump of "downplaying" the virus early on.

In March, another DEMOCRAT presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, conspicuously insisted that he wouldn't consider closing the U.S. border to prevent the spread of coronavirus, before condemning what he called the president's "xenophobia".

A Jan. 31 article in the failing New York Times quoted epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm as saying that Trump's decision to restrict travel from China was "more of an emotional or political reaction."

Weeks later, though, the paper reported that dozens of "nations across the world have imposed travel restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus," and did not criticize any of them for the move.

The ultra-liberal Washington Post ran a story quoting a Chinese official asking for "empathy" and slamming the White House for acting "in disregard of WHO recommendations against travel restrictions."

In March, the Post finally acknowledged that critics accused China and WHO of "covering up or downplaying the severity of an infectious disease outbreak."

A week earlier, Vox confidently declared that "The evidence on travel bans for diseases like coronavirus is clear: They don’t work." The article originally referred to the "Wuhan coronavirus" in its headline, before left-wing journalists and DEMOCRATS argued that terminology was racist.

Vox also tweeted on Jan. 31: "Is this going to be a deadly pandemic? No." On Mar. 24, Vox deleted that tweet.

The Verge cautioned that Trump's policies "contradict advice from the World Health Organization, which said that countries should not restrict travel or trade in their response to the new virus."

BuzzFeed News asserted that "barring foreign travelers from China, along with making U.S. citizens self-quarantine at home likely violated civil rights laws, without leading to any real lowered risk of a U.S. outbreak," citing "global health law expert" Lawrence Gostin of Georgetown University.

STAT, a health and medicine news site, reported that the travel ban was similar to calls from "conservative lawmakers and far-right supporters of the president," even as "public health experts warn that the move could do more harm than good."

On Jan. 15, when the first American with coronavirus returned from China, House DEMOCRATS were ceremoniously carrying their articles of impeachment against Trump to the Senate.

Nevertheless, this week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused Trump of endangering lives by wasting time. “As the president fiddles, people are dying,” Pelosi told CNN's Jake Tapper.

“The president, his denial at the beginning, was deadly," she claimed.