Is the COVID-19 devouring the repuke party as Christ Christie has tested positive?


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As a result of a trend of the coronavirus eating away at the seditious and un American republican party brings to mind 'one reaps what they have sown' as the fat rat Christie is reported to have the coronavirus. Republicans and their head tyrant tRump have been a destructive and antigovernment conspiring atrocity for a long time and to the point of conspiring with the lawlessly hacked in Putin puppet tRump, unleashed the massive impact of the coronavirus on society and humanity that has murdered over 200,000 Americans and infected over 7 million. Obviously this terrible affect of tRump and his sold out republicans causing this to happen did not have to happen had tRump and his goons chose not to go on a destructive campaign against society to which I believe to further aid and comfort foreign enemies. I have no pity for any of these republicans and their head conspire against humanity tRump.
As a result of a trend of the coronavirus eating away at the seditious and un American republican party brings to mind 'one reaps what they have sown' as the fat rat Christie is reported to have the coronavirus. Republicans and their head tyrant tRump have been a destructive and antigovernment conspiring atrocity for a long time and to the point of conspiring with the lawlessly hacked in Putin puppet tRump, unleashed the massive impact of the coronavirus on society and humanity that has murdered over 200,000 Americans and infected over 7 million. Obviously this terrible affect of tRump and his sold out republicans causing this to happen did not have to happen had tRump and his goons chose not to go on a destructive campaign against society to which I believe to further aid and comfort foreign enemies. I have no pity for any of these republicans and their head conspire against humanity tRump.

And they will all recover making you look like a bigger asshole than you already are.
As a result of a trend of the coronavirus eating away at the seditious and un American republican party brings to mind 'one reaps what they have sown' as the fat rat Christie is reported to have the coronavirus. Republicans and their head tyrant tRump have been a destructive and antigovernment conspiring atrocity for a long time and to the point of conspiring with the lawlessly hacked in Putin puppet tRump, unleashed the massive impact of the coronavirus on society and humanity that has murdered over 200,000 Americans and infected over 7 million. Obviously this terrible affect of tRump and his sold out republicans causing this to happen did not have to happen had tRump and his goons chose not to go on a destructive campaign against society to which I believe to further aid and comfort foreign enemies. I have no pity for any of these republicans and their head conspire against humanity tRump.

We're living a Greek tragedy. Trump is the cause of our suffering.
Do you claim psychic abilities as a typical tRump ass kisser and American hater and Putin ass-et that constantly jumps to delusional tirades of primitive insults with nothing else of value as your way of disagreeing with someone? Additionally your kind being incapable of communicating in a civilized nature, which further demonstrates your kind's inferior disposition in relation to how a civilized person would conduct themselves. Yet your proud creature kind think you are better than others but are of a primitive and boorish nature that is incapable of co existing in a civilized society. Additionally as your kind vote against your own interests and the interests of humanity who are ultimately at fault for the global crisis that exist now. This atrocity of fools voting with a hater attitude making it easier for foreign enemies to interfere with elections and creating a seditious and treasonous republican atrocity in governance that continues to be another friend of foreign enemies in their primitive and barbaric war against Democracy, U.S. Constitutional law and anything else of a civilized nature. Your kind are not fit to be called human but intellectually deficient savages instead.