Is the government testing new drones in Denver? (Video)


Staff member

DENVER – It’s a mile high mystery in the skies over Denver.

Strange objects caught on camera flying over the city and nobody can explain it.

We first learned about these sightings when a metro area man, who does not want to be identified brought us his home video. He captured the images on his digital camera from a hilltop in Federal Heights looking south toward downtown Denver.

He said, “The flying objects appear around noon or 1:00 p.m. at least a couple of times a week.” The strangest part is they are flying too fast to see with the naked eye, but when we slowed down the video, several UFOs appear.

We altered the color contrast to make it easier to see. You can take a look for yourself by watching the video clip.

We wanted to verify the video we saw was legitimate and not doctored in anyway. So our photojournalist set up his camera in the same spot, and shot video from just before noon until just after 1:00 p.m. He also captured something unexplained on video.

Aviation expert Steve Cowell is a former commercial pilot, instructor and FAA accident prevention counselor.

He thought he would have a logical explanation, until he watched the video. “That is not an airplane, that is not a helicopter, those are not birds, I can’t identify it,” he said. He also told us the objects are not insects.

He said he knows of no aircraft that flies as fast. He did tell us there is one other possibility. “Perhaps there’s some sort of debris that is being raised up by some of the atmospheric winds.”

But in his professional opinion, “As it fits the definition, it’s an unidentified flying object.”

More at link.

Watch the video. Very cool.
Weather balloons aren't this fast. I'm with the possibility of a new type of drone.
I would like to hear his theorys.

I have seen things in the sky in the past that today can still not be explained as OURS
if that's the case, and since the news report said it was going down somewhere near 56th Street, I wonder if anyone has thought about going to 56th Street and waiting for guess is, Damo put a souped up motor on one of those RC helicopters and plays with it on his lunch break......