Is The Internet Meaner Today Than It Was 10 Years Ago?

Internet meaner than 10 years ago?

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Loves Me Some Souls
Saw something in another thread this morning, thought I'd ask about it. You've read the title so is the Internet meaner? The comment I read was specifically about this board but most people weren't here 10 years ago so I broadened it to the Internet in general.

I think it is meaner but I think that's because our society is meaner than it was 10 years and far less tolerant than it was 20 years ago. I also think there are some other things happening but this is enough to kick it off.
Nope, it is just freer. People are too sensitive and a great many of the people offended are hypocrites who think they can be hateful and nobody else should be able to be hateful back to them.
ten years ago I was at a board far more vitriolic than this one......

And I banned you, bitch :fu:


I hated being a mod at a site that actually tried to impose civility and prevent hurt feelings. I eventually sent a PM to the owner saying no more and never returned to the site even to see their response. It was hours of responding to PM's every day about how horrible I was for allowing X to say Y to Z and Z not being allowed to say Q to V.
Nope, it is just freer. People are too sensitive and a great many of the people offended are hypocrites who think they can be hateful and nobody else should be able to be hateful back to them.

That's one of the other things I think is happening. Some people are not used to being talked back to.
Nope, it is just freer. People are too sensitive and a great many of the people offended are hypocrites who think they can be hateful and nobody else should be able to be hateful back to them.

This is one of those moments of agreement, Kacper.

I've been posting on the Internet for over two decades...and there was plenty of "meanness" as far back as I can remember. I was lucky in that I started on a site that discouraged (by rules) lots of the stuff that goes on in THIS forum...but the meanspiritedness was there.

At this site, we are allowed lots of freedom to express ourselves in ways that other fora do not allow.

I think it is a great idea...and if "hatefulness" or "being mean" crops be it. We are adults...and should he able to handle it. Those who are thin skinned probably should find a more closely moderated forum in which to post.
They were an OK site until Stormfront got shut down for awhile and the place became overrun with their flotsam

That happened after I stopped posting there. Jim has another site now but it's not the same, it's a hardcore conservative echo chamber.
And I banned you, bitch :fu:


I hated being a mod at a site that actually tried to impose civility and prevent hurt feelings. I eventually sent a PM to the owner saying no more and never returned to the site even to see their response. It was hours of responding to PM's every day about how horrible I was for allowing X to say Y to Z and Z not being allowed to say Q to V.

That board, which was actually European, melted......didn't leave under a ban......
That board, which was actually European, melted......didn't leave under a ban......

Are you talking about that stupid site than infracts you for one sentence responses? I forget its name but a lot of my posts were like, "Yes. This is obligatory Sentence 2. This is Obligatory Sentence 3."

The site I was at doesn't exist any more but was more world politics oriented which is really where my political interests are. The American crybabies were the ones that caused me to throw my hands in the air and walk away.
I miss the old days where you could just go around telling random people to kill themselves

It was like my favorite thing to do

Kill yourself
Are you talking about that stupid site than infracts you for one sentence responses? I forget its name but a lot of my posts were like, "Yes. This is obligatory Sentence 2. This is Obligatory Sentence 3."

The site I was at doesn't exist any more but was more world politics oriented which is really where my political interests are. The American crybabies were the ones that caused me to throw my hands in the air and walk away.

no....the site I am talking about has been gone for ten years.....
Are you talking about that stupid site than infracts you for one sentence responses? I forget its name but a lot of my posts were like, "Yes. This is obligatory Sentence 2. This is Obligatory Sentence 3."

The site I was at doesn't exist any more but was more world politics oriented which is really where my political interests are. The American crybabies were the ones that caused me to throw my hands in the air and walk away.

Is that the one that had moderators for every ideology?
Is that the one that had moderators for every ideology?

No. It had 3 moderators and the owner/admins who were a gay couple from one of the Nordic/Scandinavian countries (I forget which) who were seldom seen. It was a huge time/joy suck. Besides the posters being annoying (mostly a handful that were full time babies), they had a 1 thread per news story rule so I was spending hours a day just merging threads because the same full time babies felt "Hey, I will create my own with my own talking point" and then cry to me about whose thread became the master thread despite being told repeatedly first in time wins.
Saw something in another thread this morning, thought I'd ask about it. You've read the title so is the Internet meaner? The comment I read was specifically about this board but most people weren't here 10 years ago so I broadened it to the Internet in general.

I think it is meaner but I think that's because our society is meaner than it was 10 years and far less tolerant than it was 20 years ago. I also think there are some other things happening but this is enough to kick it off.
I don't think it's gotten meaner. I think it's the same. What's changed is millennial's have gotten older and we all know what pussies they are.