Is the President mentally unstable


Or is he merely a victim of bad advice? Columnist Dave Lindorff opens up his latest tirade against Bush with.. "It’s time to simply admit the obvious: The president of the United States is crazy as a loon, and the Congress and the media are functioning as co-dependents as he runs the country off a cliff."
Obviously geared torwards the Presidents desire to surge by sending up to 70,000 more troops into Iraq.
It makes me wonder... the last time we had a President whom many perceived as being mentally unstable was back in the early 70's...President Nixon..
I wonder when the President says things like "I am certain" or "I have the proof" when in reality he just has assumptions... if he is given just plain 'ol bad advice to say these things or he actually takes it upon himself to change the script! If this is the is horrible judgment and on the border being "slightly off the rocker"
If I were given an opportunity to question the President ... I would ask him to outline with no uncertain terms as to why we are fighting a War in Iraq. And after his response... I would follow up with .. Why is there an insurgency in the first place, what are the insurgents reacting to? And after his next response ..I would add... what ever happened to Al Queda, Osama Bin Laden and the War on Terror?
Even though I'm a recovering neocon and now detest all that bush and his skull and bone buddies stand for, there's still something I kinda like about the guy. He just kinda got involved in the family business,( big oil, intelligence, geopolitics), and didn't do half bad. He can keep his composure. I must say his inscrutable grin is his saving grace.
hahahahahahaha! I love that! "a recovering necon" lol.... pretty good one!

Well Klaatu....I think he is slightly say the least a CRONIC LIAR...we are very unsafe with him as our president...I can say that much.

As to whether he was "used" by other neocons like the veep....probably, but he accepted it as part of job...he did not want to work past 5 when he first got the job and wanted to spend time home on his ranch and he relinquished all of HIS OWN responsibilities to the veep.... shoot, the veep even picked his cabinet...

I think that there is something "missing" in the president's head, but I am uncertain as to what....? Arrogance has replaced any common sense that he may have been born with imo.