Is the United States constitution the dumbest document ever written in human history?

:laugh: Really? Can't find another "sock"? Iran compared to the US.....its like flicking a gnat off the balls of a pig. Trump sits in DC....points his finger and Iranian Generals die. He points his finger and suddenly Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. He points his finger and Iran is sanctioned from more oil for terrorism. Where does he get this power? From the United States Constitution. But...I could see your point of view...if I were an Iranian that was being pissed on by the Great Satan.
:laugh: Really? Can't find another "sock"? Iran compared to the US.....its like flicking a gnat off the balls of a pig. Trump sits in DC....points his finger and Iranian Generals die. He points his finger and suddenly Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. He points his finger and Iran is sanctioned from more oil for terrorism. Where does he get this power? From the United States Constitution. But...I could see your point of view...if I were an Iranian that was being pissed on by the Great Satan.

You know Ralph....being trolled by Watermark is a long standing JPP IQ Test that you've just failed. LOL
:laugh: Really? Can't find another "sock"? Iran compared to the US.....its like flicking a gnat off the balls of a pig. Trump sits in DC....points his finger and Iranian Generals die. He points his finger and suddenly Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. He points his finger and Iran is sanctioned from more oil for terrorism. Where does he get this power? From the United States Constitution. But...I could see your point of view...if I were an Iranian that was being pissed on by the Great Satan.

As if Trump wouldn't piss on the Constitution in a NY second,if it stood in his way!