Is this a "woke" movie?

I'd have to watch it to know, and since I don't plan on wasting an hour plus of my life doing that, I couldn't tell you for sure.
I'd have to watch it to know, and since I don't plan on wasting an hour plus of my life doing that, I couldn't tell you for sure.

It is based on a true story. Here's an actual book to start you off.

Rather, that’s how I feel until I remember the sickening ways that the film fabricates Dr. Shirley’s feelings towards other blacks, his lack of black cultural knowledge, his utter racial isolation—falsehoods, according to his brother. Then I’m taken aback. It’s one thing to get historical facts wrong, or to massage them for the sake of dramatic coherence. It’s another thing entirely to take something so essential as racial identity—as the inner life of a person of color—and revise it. And to bypass due diligence. And to think, as a white filmmaker, that questions of this sort are things you can blithely make up or change outright.

THe link is a long good take on this piece of shit movie.
THis movie is like so much of the modern WOKE crap product.....looks great on the screen but the story is shit.... it was ruined in the name of politics.
I was sorry that I watched this movie...I tend to try to make it a practice to avoid movies that boldly lie as they push politics.
Nobody has ever explained why being "woke" is a problem and why they think it applies only to the black people.