Is this moron a Republican or Democrat? You decide.

Evidence -
1. "Good News Bible"
2. The Bible Exists.
3. And the words in the Bible actually say what they say...
4. Wow, and the words say that God exists...
5. Then he says he will go to the Book of Matthew, but then he reads Luke Chaper 1, 18.
6. The birth of Jesus took place so we know it took place...
7. John 3:16... God gave his son for us.
8. Revelation 21... But cowards traitors perverts... blah, blah... The lake burning with fire and sulfer...

Wow, I'm convinced. Gotta give up Buddhism now.
Dude he's obviously ragging on Creationism.

Yeah. If it were a real video, and he made a mistake, he would've just made a new one.

And even if the Christians around you are the most vulgar you know, constantly cursing and talking about sex, they usually don't use words like "suck it" whenever they're in Christian mode.