Is this the hottest chilli ever?

I was stupid enough to try that with a habanaro....won't do that again any time soon. Chocolate syrup works better than milk just in case you get a case of the stupids and try something like this. I almost went to the ER and I would have too had I not discovered the chocolate syrup. Milk helps but won't kill the heat from a habanaro.

I do make a mango habanaro salsa that kicks ass. It's got some kick but it's tolerably hot. It's absolutely fabulous as a condiment with broiled or grilled fish or pork. It's easy to make too

Dice three mangos
Dice one deseeded cucumber
chop fine one sweet onion
dice fine one habanaro (use latex gloves or handle with fork and knife, for god's sakes don't get it on your hands!)
chop up about a 1/4 cup of cilantro.
add a dash of salt to bring out the sweetness.
Squeeze the juice of one lime or lemon.
stir and let set for about 30 minutes before serving so that all the flavors meld.

Like I said, this really kicks ass as a side with grilled/broiled pork or fish.
I love the spicy flavors, but can't take the after-effects any more. Occasional tasting aside, my days as a pepperhead are over.
I use them in chili two. I'll mix one habanaro, 3 anchos and 2 jalapnos in a pot. For some reason blending the chillis like that gives a richer and more balanced flavor.
Add a bit of chicken stock instead of water, it adds to the richness. Then freeze it overnight and serve it after reheat the next day.
I love the spicy flavors, but can't take the after-effects any more. Occasional tasting aside, my days as a pepperhead are over.
Try mixing you chilli recipes with coco or chocolate and don't get to carried away with the heat. You'll be amazed at how coco/chocolate neutralizes a lot of the nasty side affects of chillis.
Add a bit of chicken stock instead of water, it adds to the richness. Then freeze it overnight and serve it after reheat the next day.
I do that to though I use beef broth and a bottle of dark beer. I have like a zillion ingridients in my chilli. It rocks though. The problem where I live is finding a good chorizo sausge. The stuff they sell around here is a joke.
I do that to though I use beef broth and a bottle of dark beer. I have like a zillion ingridients in my chilli. It rocks though. The problem where I live is finding a good chorizo sausge. The stuff they sell around here is a joke.
See if you can find Boulder Sausage, you may even be able to order online. That's the best of the packaged stuff I have found.
The problem where I live is finding a good chorizo sausge.

I get mine from a lovely Spanish chap at the market.

It's coming...

Not long now...

Almost there...

And his authentic sausage products can be purchased for a very reasonable price as well.

Bit of a let-down in the end, no? :(