Is tom afraid of being beaten up by me? Do I win?

Is tom afraid of being beaten up?

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on indefiniate mod break
I came 90% of the way. Perhaps 95%. Tom wont come the other 5. I have been in multiple bars, but tom never shows up. Seems tom is afraid of me and my skills.

Tom --> :seenoevil:

me -- > :laugh:
Soon I will post an update of a picture of a glass, as proof that I am here to beat up tom, but tom is not here to beat up me. Once I have that proof it's game over.
I came 90% of the way. Perhaps 95%. Tom wont come the other 5. I have been in multiple bars, but tom never shows up. Seems tom is afraid of me and my skills.

Tom --> :seenoevil:

me -- > :laugh:

Stand down you raving lunatic. Hell I live closer to your home than the distance between you and Tom right now.

Tom wins because your challenge wasn’t face to face. Pistols at dawn at 350 miles doesn’t cut it.

Then there’s the fact that he’s English and, no matter what happens, will be socially superior to you in all ways that matter for quite simply being English. So that’s a win win for Tom.
I came 90% of the way. Perhaps 95%. Tom wont come the other 5. I have been in multiple bars, but tom never shows up. Seems tom is afraid of me and my skills.

Tom --> :seenoevil:

me -- > :laugh:
since you're always under the table sleeping it off, how do you know he wasn't there?.....
Tom is literally shaking in his feety pajamas. Like Michael J. Fox in the California Earthquake.
Stand down you raving lunatic. Hell I live closer to your home than the distance between you and Tom right now.

Tom wins because your challenge wasn’t face to face. Pistols at dawn at 350 miles doesn’t cut it.

Then there’s the fact that he’s English and, no matter what happens, will be socially superior to you in all ways that matter for quite simply being English. So that’s a win win for Tom.

I thought he lived in Colorado Springs.
I thought Tom was some old geezer that used a cane? Why would anybody want to beat up an old guy? Why not just wait a few more months and let nature take its course?
more people should post in this awesome thread.

If you bring the full power of the Trinity, then Tom has a great deal to be afraid of.

If you bring the full power of the Trinity, then Tom has a great deal to be afraid of.


four dickheads are no more powerful than one dickhhead......actually, since you're a metrosexual, Billy wouldn't be able to decide which gun to bring, Grind will be stoned and Watermark is just Watermark, the four of you combined are less powerful than most dickheads......
four dickheads are no more powerful than one dickhhead......actually, since you're a metrosexual, Billy wouldn't be able to decide which gun to bring, Grind will be stoned and Watermark is just Watermark, the four of you combined are less powerful than most dickheads......