Is Trump a genius?

It has been suggested that he has a world-class talent for conning people, making them think lies are truth, black is white, etc.

But why doesn't it work on everybody? With many people it has the opposite effect - they see what he's up to and it bemuses them that he can get away with it.

It isn't just a left/right thing. Quite a lot of conservatives see through him too, even though he (mostly) hits the right buttons. Also, he has had a notable lack of success at conning other world leaders.

What is going on here?
Trump has a 5th-grade vocabulary. He is emotional and an egomaniac who believes he knows everything. His maturity level is high school level. He is a terrible choice to lead anything. However, he has shown a real talent for reading an audience and telling them what they want to hear. He is not encumbered with a need to be truthful.
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