APP - Is Trump the new Saul Alinsky?

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

This is a really interesting read and a great take on Trump and why he has such deep support. The left has long used the tactics of Saul Alinsky against republicans and even thought it should be fairly obvious that they are, they never do anything about it.

As the op ed states, whether Trump has ever read it or not who knows, but he definitely uses its tenets effectively.

Take this weekend for example. It is the same process Trump always uses. He takes an issue the majority of Americans are in agreement with i.e., opposition to football players taking a knee during the national anthem. He makes an outrageous statement that nobody believes will actually be acted upon but expresses the general sentiment. Predictably the left takes those comments and overreact and end up looking stupid.

Trump can't lose with what he said about the NFL, but the NFL can

This is a really interesting read and a great take on Trump and why he has such deep support. The left has long used the tactics of Saul Alinsky against republicans and even thought it should be fairly obvious that they are, they never do anything about it.

As the op ed states, whether Trump has ever read it or not who knows, but he definitely uses its tenets effectively.

Take this weekend for example. It is the same process Trump always uses. He takes an issue the majority of Americans are in agreement with i.e., opposition to football players taking a knee during the national anthem. He makes an outrageous statement that nobody believes will actually be acted upon but expresses the general sentiment. Predictably the left takes those comments and overreact and end up looking stupid.

Trump can't lose with what he said about the NFL, but the NFL can

that would be obama and hilda beast.