Is trump trading U.S. lives for Russian election interference and Putin praise?


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At the onset, let me say that this a very serious issue and not one to simply be dismissed by tRump's patented "hoax" or "fake news" defense for just about everything he considers negative.

To date, tRump has essentially trapped himself in his own lies. First, tRump said that he wasn't briefed on the "bounty" issue. tRump then said that he always reads his PDB's. We now have confirmation that the bounty info was in fact contained in a daily PDB. So, how could he have read the PDB, yet not be informed? This question-any many others like it-are the types of question that tRump counts on his supporters being too unintelligent and/or too uninterested enough to ask.

In addition, we now have briefers saying that tRump gets irritated when they put negative Russian information in the PDB's. As such, they provide a lot of Russian info verbally instead of in written form.

It is clear to any reasonable person that tRump idolizes Putin. The question is whether tRump's case of "hero worship" and his desire to "win at all cost", would actually permit him to sacrifice U.S. service members lives. At this time, that remains to be seen.