Is uncle joe the dumbest looking man to hold office


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Lets face it hes got a perpetual stupid look on his face . he cant talk forgets who his wife and sister are . thinks hunter is the smartest man he knows . And is one lying sob.
Yes what a choice for president .
‘Idiot,’ ‘Dope,’ ‘Moron’: How Trump’s own staff and cabinet members have insulted the boss

• Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Trump had the understanding of “a fifth- or sixth-grader,”

• White House chief of staff John Kelly called Trump “an idiot” and said he thought the president was “unhinged,”

• Omarosa Manigault Newman, who was the highest-ranking African-American staffer in the West Wing, claimed that Trump is a “racist, misogynist and bigot.”

• Both Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and former chief of staff Reince Priebus called Trump an “idiot,”

• Former economic adviser Gary Cohn said Trump was “dumb as shit,”

• Former national security adviser H.R. McMaster said the president was a “dope,”

• Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon said in November 2017 that Trump was “like an 11-year-old child,”

• Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in July 2017 called Trump a “moron,”

• At a dinner in July 2017, McMaster mocked Trump, also calling him an “idiot,”

• At the dinner, which was with Oracle CEO Safra Catz, McMaster also said Trump was a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,”
Lets face it hes got a perpetual stupid look on his face . he cant talk forgets who his wife and sister are . thinks hunter is the smartest man he knows . And is one lying sob.
Yes what a choice for president .

BulletInTheBrain is the dumbest poster on JPP.
Lets face it hes got a perpetual stupid look on his face . he cant talk forgets who his wife and sister are . thinks hunter is the smartest man he knows . And is one lying sob.
Yes what a choice for president .

At least he never has to forget which porn stars he slept with while his 3rd wife was pregnant or which columnist he raped in Bergdorfs.
At least he never has to forget which porn stars he slept with while his 3rd wife was pregnant or which columnist he raped in Bergdorfs.

no he has to try and think where he is and which woman is his sister and which is his wife .
not to mention how much his cut is from hunter and is he president or Harris.

joe also has to try and recall hes not allowed to touch little kids and whisper in their ears or smell them at least not in public
Joke comes off as that cock sucking retard in your high school class that's running for class president. He (or she) is a complete sell out to the administration and would lie to your face to get elected. Once in office, they are completely ineffective and meaningless.

That's Joke Biden...


Just change the name and you get the same thing...
Lets face it hes got a perpetual stupid look on his face . he cant talk forgets who his wife and sister are . thinks hunter is the smartest man he knows . And is one lying sob.
Yes what a choice for president .

When it comes to the dumbest looking, you are the grand champion.