Is USF a Fag?

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He's definitely displaying faggish tendencies.

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing

Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true
He's definitely displaying faggish tendencies.

I'm sorry you feel this way, 3d, and that this is the only way to try and cover up your comments, on a different thread.
I'm sorry that you made the mistake of stating that PMP was the object of your affections; but I did say that there was nothing wrong with that.
I'm sorry that you are now so uncomfortable that you have to try and divert the attention from yourself and try to focus it on me.

That all said; I still think you'll come out of this OK and that this will affect your life, very little. :cof1:
I'm going to say he's gay'r than fanny packs, or vespa's.

But not in a homo way, in a gaylord was as describe by Zack Galinaficus the funnies comic ever.
I'm sorry you feel this way, 3d, and that this is the only way to try and cover up your comments, on a different thread.
I'm sorry that you made the mistake of stating that PMP was the object of your affections; but I did say that there was nothing wrong with that.
I'm sorry that you are now so uncomfortable that you have to try and divert the attention from yourself and try to focus it on me.

That all said; I still think you'll come out of this OK and that this will affect your life, very little. :cof1:

The funny thing is, if you use Taicheeze's famed chronology of posts, you'll notice that it was you who stated a history of intimacy with PMP:

Try talking him into foreplay first. :good4u:
So, you have impaired reading comprehension? Fine, then, please define the word "him" within the context of the "discussion" that was going on.

At the time of my response, you hadn't revealed who it was that you had your man crush on.
I only referred to PMP, after you mentioned his name.

I've editted my post, to include quotes to show how this began.

Getting laid is no problem. Its the getting fucked part that sucks...

Try talking him into foreplay first. :good4u:

How long have you been trying? :eek:

Since I have no idea who your boyfriend may be; this was a really pathetic attempt, on your part, to try and save your ass. :cof1:

You're the one offering me tips on how to seduce PMP. It reeks of experience. :cof1:


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