Is Yurt the biggest cry baby on the Net?

lol, yurtski, spurtski, manlove and all the other trolls under this one user, can't get enough of whining about dear ol' yurt...he has to talk to himself in numerous posts about it all over the board repeatedly...lmao...obsession, ya think

FUCK NO! Southernman gets so much sand in his bagina that he whines WAY more. Yurt is downright stoic compared to SandysouthernBagina
lol, yurtski, spurtski, manlove and all the other trolls under this one user, can't get enough of whining about dear ol' yurt...he has to talk to himself in numerous posts about it all over the board repeatedly...lmao...obsession, ya think


What a whiny baby. In his fantasy world he thinks somebody actually gives a $hit about him.

i know that to post gives the troll satisfaction

but it is humorous how the "brave" troll only bashes people under 'anonymous' or his multiple other unoriginal trolls
Yurt, really, no one gives a fuck about that troll. You're cool, the troll is just a loser with no life living in mommy's basement waiting for his overcooked broccoli for dinner.
May be Yurt IS the troll. He sure does crave attention. Look how many times he cried about "leaving", just hoping some body would beg him to stay.