Islam: a religion of conquest

Darth Omar

Russian asset
By the standards of history, the reality of these conquests is unassailable, for history proper concerns itself with primary sources; and the Islamic conquests are thoroughly documented. More importantly, the overwhelming majority of primary source materials we rely on do not come from non-Muslims, who might be accused of bias. Rather, the foremost historians bequeathing to posterity thousands of pages of source materials documenting the Islamic conquests were not only Muslims themselves; they were—and still are—regarded by today's Muslims as pious and trustworthy scholars (generically, the ulema).

The first major conquest, renowned for its brutality, occurred in Arabia itself, immediately after Muhammad's death in 632. Many tribes which had only nominally accepted Islam's authority, upon Muhammad's death, figured they could break away; however, Muhammad's successor and first caliph, or successor, Abu Bakr, would have none of that, and proclaimed a jihad against these apostates, known in Arabic as the "Ridda Wars" (or Apostasy Wars). According to the aforementioned historians, tens of thousands of Arabs were put to the sword until their tribes re-submitted to Islam.

Centuries later, and partially due to trade, Islam came to be accepted by a few periphery peoples, mostly polytheists and animists, who followed no major religion (e.g., in Indonesia, Somalia), and who currently form the outer fringes of the Islamic world.

Ironically, these exceptions are now portrayed as the rule in America's classrooms: many textbooks suggest or at least imply that most people who converted to Islam did so under no duress, but rather through peaceful contacts with merchants and traders; that they eagerly opted to convert to Islam for the religion's intrinsic appeal, without noting the many debilitations conquered non-Muslims avoided—extra taxes, second-rate social status, enforced humiliation, etc.—by converting to Islam. In fact, in the first century, and due to these debilitations, many conquered peoples sought to convert to Islam only to be rebuffed by the caliphate, which preferred to keep them as subdued—and heavily taxed—subjects, not as Muslim equals.

Meanwhile, as U.S. textbooks equivocate about the Muslim conquests, in the schoolrooms of the Muslim world, the conquests are not only taught as a matter of course, but are glorified: their rapidity and decisiveness are regularly portrayed as evidence that Allah was in fact on the side of the Muslims (and will be again, so long as Muslims uphold their communal duty of waging jihad).

And there you have it. The history of Islam has been white washed through much of the West. So when Bush said Islam is a religion of peace he probably believed it: It's taught as a religion of peace in public schools and on college campuses.

Meanwhile, the actual history of Islam is taught in Muslim countries---and that history is glorified.
Christian conquests:


After WWI the French and Spanish would split up the Ottoman Empire, meaning that nearly every Muslim country in the world was under the rule of Christian Jihadists at some point besides Turkey.


Basically the entire world. They imposed their religion by the sword to, note that there's no country listed here that wasn't once under Christian jihadist rule besides South Korea:

Conquests of the early Muslim empire were one of the most impressive in all of history, only dwarfed by the Mongol accomplishments, and Christians should stop digging up ancient history and whining about.
however, Muhammad's successor and first caliph, or successor, Abu Bakr, would have none of that, and proclaimed a jihad against these apostates, known in Arabic as the "Ridda Wars" (or Apostasy Wars). According to the aforementioned historians, tens of thousands of Arabs were put to the sword until their tribes re-submitted to Islam.

A brilliant move, kept the Muslim empire from fracturing like the Mongolian Empire and Alexander's Empire.
Does it hurt your butt that Mohammad was fucking awesome and pwned Christian ass?

If that were true they wouldn't be so largely limited to some of the suckiest land in the world. Looks like the Christians have done a better job.
Does it hurt your butt that Mohammad was fucking awesome and pwned Christian ass?

Not terribly. Though Mohammed probably hurt some butts, if you get my drift lol.

You mentioned 'Christian jihad' as if it were an actual doctrine such as found in Islam. Jihad is native to Islam.

Or do you have evidence to the contrary?
Not terribly. Though Mohammed probably hurt some butts, if you get my drift lol.

You mentioned 'Christian jihad' as if it were an actual doctrine such as found in Islam. Jihad is native to Islam.

Or do you have evidence to the contrary?


  • The Arabic word "jihad" is often translated as "holy war," but in a purely linguistic sense, the word " jihad" means struggling or striving.
  • The arabic word for war is: "al-harb".
  • In a religious sense, as described by the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (s), "jihad" has many meanings. It can refer to internal as well as external efforts to be a good Muslims or believer, as well as working to inform people about the faith of Islam.
  • If military jihad is required to protect the faith against others, it can be performed using anything from legal, diplomatic and economic to political means. If there is no peaceful alternative, Islam also allows the use of force, but there are strict rules of engagement. Innocents - such as women, children, or invalids - must never be harmed, and any peaceful overtures from the enemy must be accepted.
  • Military action is therefore only one means of jihad, and is very rare. To highlight this point, the Prophet Mohammed told his followers returning from a military campaign: "This day we have returned from the minor jihad to the major jihad," which he said meant returning from armed battle to the peaceful battle for self-control and betterment.
  • In case military action appears necessary, not everyone can declare jihad. The religious military campaign has to be declared by a proper authority, advised by scholars, who say the religion and people are under threat and violence is imperative to defend them. The concept of "just war" is very important.
  • The concept of jihad has been hijacked by many political and religious groups over the ages in a bid to justify various forms of violence. In most cases, Islamic splinter groups invoked jihad to fight against the established Islamic order. Scholars say this misuse of jihad contradicts Islam.
  • Examples of sanctioned military jihad include the Muslims' defensive battles against the Crusaders in medieval times, and before that some responses by Muslims against Byzantine and Persian attacks during the period of the early Islamic conquests.

  • Jihad is not a violent concept.
  • Jihad is not a declaration of war against other religions. It is worth noting that the Koran specifically refers to Jews and Christians as "people of the book" who should be protected and respected. All three faiths worship the same God. Allah is just the Arabic word for God, and is used by Christian Arabs as well as Muslims.
  • Military action in the name of Islam has not been common in the history of Islam. Scholars says most calls for violent jihad are not sanctioned by Islam.
  • Warfare in the name of God is not unique to Islam. Other faiths throughout the world have waged wars with religious justifications

  • The Arabic word "jihad" is often translated as "holy war," but in a purely linguistic sense, the word " jihad" means struggling or striving.
  • The arabic word for war is: "al-harb".
  • In a religious sense, as described by the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (s), "jihad" has many meanings. It can refer to internal as well as external efforts to be a good Muslims or believer, as well as working to inform people about the faith of Islam.
  • If military jihad is required to protect the faith against others, it can be performed using anything from legal, diplomatic and economic to political means. If there is no peaceful alternative, Islam also allows the use of force, but there are strict rules of engagement. Innocents - such as women, children, or invalids - must never be harmed, and any peaceful overtures from the enemy must be accepted.
  • Military action is therefore only one means of jihad, and is very rare. To highlight this point, the Prophet Mohammed told his followers returning from a military campaign: "This day we have returned from the minor jihad to the major jihad," which he said meant returning from armed battle to the peaceful battle for self-control and betterment.
  • In case military action appears necessary, not everyone can declare jihad. The religious military campaign has to be declared by a proper authority, advised by scholars, who say the religion and people are under threat and violence is imperative to defend them. The concept of "just war" is very important.
  • The concept of jihad has been hijacked by many political and religious groups over the ages in a bid to justify various forms of violence. In most cases, Islamic splinter groups invoked jihad to fight against the established Islamic order. Scholars say this misuse of jihad contradicts Islam.
  • Examples of sanctioned military jihad include the Muslims' defensive battles against the Crusaders in medieval times, and before that some responses by Muslims against Byzantine and Persian attacks during the period of the early Islamic conquests.

  • Jihad is not a violent concept.
  • Jihad is not a declaration of war against other religions. It is worth noting that the Koran specifically refers to Jews and Christians as "people of the book" who should be protected and respected. All three faiths worship the same God. Allah is just the Arabic word for God, and is used by Christian Arabs as well as Muslims.
  • Military action in the name of Islam has not been common in the history of Islam. Scholars says most calls for violent jihad are not sanctioned by Islam.
  • Warfare in the name of God is not unique to Islam. Other faiths throughout the world have waged wars with religious justifications

I take it you had no evidence of jihad being anything other than a Muslim doctrine, either.

What jihad is or isn't is an interesting theological question. The world would be a safer place if it was an arcane religious dispute. From a more practical standpoint, millions and perhaps billions of Muslims believe that jihad equals religious militancy for the cause Islam. And not just defensive measures but offensive militancy.

The poll numbers reflect an alarming degree of acceptance of things like suicide bombing amongst global Muslims. Even here in the states an alarming number of mosques have literature that advocates religious violence.

This is a serious problem but the left is in denial about it. In a certain sense, Muslim terrorists are just a symptom of the larger problem: which is the tacit acceptance of violence by the so-called peaceful Muslim community. There are religious cranks in every religion and some of them can be dangerous at times. Christianity has its share, but not only are the cranks a tiny minority, but they held in check by the much larger majority which doesn't tolerate them.

But if you want to think jihad simply means internal struggle, that's fine. But what you or someone else needs to do is convince millions of Muslims of it. Perhaps even some of your Muslim neighbors.

Ibrahim is a regular contributor to FrontPage Magazine

FPM Man of the Year[edit]

FPM's 2011 "Man of the Year" was the Wounded Warrior Project.[2]

FPM's 2010 "Person of the Year" was the Tea Party Movement.[3]

FPM's 2009 "Man of the Year" was radio and then-Fox News host Glenn Beck.[4]

On January 1, 2007, FrontPage Magazine named Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean its 2006 "People Of The Year 2006".[5] The two United States Border Patrol agents shot drug smuggler Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila in the buttocks near the US–Mexico border and were convicted of "eleven of the twelve counts alleged in the indictment, including assault with a dangerous weapon, assault with serious bodily injury, discharge of a firearm during the commission of a crime of violence and wilfully violating Aldrete-Davila's Constitutional, Fourth Amendment right to be free from illegal seizure, as well as obstructing justice by intentionally defacing the crime scene, lying about the incident, and failing to report the truth."[6] They had been sentenced to 11 years and 1 day and 12 years imprisonment, respectively, and were subsequently incarcerated.[7] FrontPage Magazine considered them guilty only of "bureaucratic infractions"; "these men have lost their money, their reputations, and (perhaps soon) their freedom trying to protect our nation. For that, they deserve our thanks."[5]

FPM's 2004 "Man of the Year" was John O'Neill, the head of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.[8]

FPM's 2003 "Man of the Year" was Lieutenant Colonel Allen B. West, former commander of the 2nd Battalion, 20th Field Artillery Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, who had been punished with a $5,000 fine and allowed to retire in grade as a lieutenant colonel after being charged with mistreatment of an Iraqi prisoner.[9] The magazine said that West "did what was necessary to keep the troops committed to his charge from becoming the latest headline detailing the Fedayeen's postwar sabotage".[9]
I take it you had no evidence of jihad being anything other than a Muslim doctrine, either.

What jihad is or isn't is an interesting theological question. The world would be a safer place if it was an arcane religious dispute. From a more practical standpoint, millions and perhaps billions of Muslims believe that jihad equals religious militancy for the cause Islam. And not just defensive measures but offensive militancy.

The poll numbers reflect an alarming degree of acceptance of things like suicide bombing amongst global Muslims. Even here in the states an alarming number of mosques have literature that advocates religious violence.

This is a serious problem but the left is in denial about it. In a certain sense, Muslim terrorists are just a symptom of the larger problem: which is the tacit acceptance of violence by the so-called peaceful Muslim community. There are religious cranks in every religion and some of them can be dangerous at times. Christianity has its share, but not only are the cranks a tiny minority, but they held in check by the much larger majority which doesn't tolerate them.

But if you want to think jihad simply means internal struggle, that's fine. But what you or someone else needs to do is convince millions of Muslims of it. Perhaps even some of your Muslim neighbors.

I already posted that jihad means "struggle or striving", as in the struggle to follow the religion and not stray from the teachings. Holy war is al-harb in Arabic. There is no proof that millions of Muslims translate the word "jihad" to mean "religious war" only.

I don't know how many Muslims accept suicide bombing but such a thing is forbidden in the Qur'an. "O ye who believe!... [do not] kill yourselves, for truly Allah has been to you Most Merciful. If any do that in rancour and injustice, soon shall We cast him into the Fire..." (Qur'an 4:29-30). Why would devout Muslims go against one of the main teachings?

Your comment about "the left" is a sweeping generalization. And where is your proof that Muslims have a tacit acceptance of violence? I could say that gun lovers have a tacit acceptance of violence because the 2nd amendment is like their religion but we both know that would be asinine.

I prefer to believe the translation of Islamic words given by Muslims themselves, not Muslim haters.