"islam is right about women" sign causes massive liberal cognitive dissonence

it's so perfectly brilliant

I love how they can't admit what islam actually says. They want to say it's offensive, but they can't because islam is a beautiful religion.

but if they pretend to agree with islam, then they know they are implicitly being anti-women.

so their npc brians meltdown and they instead just engage in doublethink.
it's so perfectly brilliant

I love how they can't admit what islam actually says. They want to say it's offensive, but they can't because islam is a beautiful religion.

but if they pretend to agree with islam, then they know they are implicitly being anti-women.

so their npc brians meltdown and they instead just engage in doublethink.

Who says we agree with any of it. If the right wants Christian freedom they have to know Islam's freedom falls under the same guise in America. You can't just pull bullshit though since your religions don't supersede secular law. You can't degrade or mistreat people. Islam can't treat women as 2nd rate citizens any more than wannabe Christians can deny gays their rights.

The big issue with Islam is it hasn't evolved much It's starting to in places though. It's still got a lot of the archaic nature of the day and age of inception. Back in those days in the Middle East, women and children were basically treated like property.
Who says we agree with any of it. If the right wants Christian freedom they have to know Islam's freedom falls under the same guise in America. You can't just pull bullshit though since your religions don't supersede secular law. You can't degrade or mistreat people. Islam can't treat women as 2nd rate citizens any more than wannabe Christians can deny gays their rights.

The big issue with Islam is it hasn't evolved much It's starting to in places though. It's still got a lot of the archaic nature of the day and age of inception. Back in those days in the Middle East, women and children were basically treated like property.

Back in those days the same was true of Christian-dominated regions too, including Europe and America.

Adherents of Islam, just like with adherents of Judaism and Christianity, span a spectrum of beliefs from liberal to very conservative. For example, I worked on a political candidate's campaign for U.S. Rep. in 2010 and 2014. Two of my fellow workers were 18-yo twins from Tehran, Iran. Their parents are highly educated and had money, and were able to escape the country by migrating to the U.S. The girls speak perfect English along with the usual vernacular. Although they have all remained Muslims, the young ladies dress in Western style and did not adopt the traditional head coverings. They're both college grads now and still very politically active.

So yeah, just because *some* adherents of Islam still treat women as chattel and less than human, doesn't mean that *all* believers do.
Before people understood the connection between sex and babies, women seemed magical because they produced babies (that was in early agricultural societies), and the early religions were Earth-Mother-ish. On the steppes they bred animals, so they grasped that men had a role - but they supposed the man just put his seed in the ground, which is all women were. It is all childishly primitive, but Father-religions (which is what we tend to have) reflect the second stage. Silly for us to run down one another's, surely - they're all about perfectly understandable history. It is time we all grew up, that's all.
Islam IS right about women if you read the Qur'an. Now some of its adherents, not so much.

No different than the Bible and how it is interpreted by some fundamentalist Xtians and some extreme conservative Jews (OT that is, not the entire Bible). They claim that scriptures make women 2nd-class to men, subservient, submissive, basically property to do with as the man wishes.
No different than the Bible and how it is interpreted by some fundamentalist Xtians and some extreme conservative Jews (OT that is, not the entire Bible). They claim that scriptures make women 2nd-class to men, subservient, submissive, basically property to do with as the man wishes.

Islam IS right about women if you read the Qur'an. Now some of its adherents, not so much.

let me guess, you just pay attention to the good stuff and ignore all the bad stuff? :thinking:

pretty sure the quran says you shouldn't be arguing with us men at all. also you shouldn't be testifying in court, among many other things. keep living in denial.
No different than the Bible and how it is interpreted by some fundamentalist Xtians and some extreme conservative Jews (OT that is, not the entire Bible). They claim that scriptures make women 2nd-class to men, subservient, submissive, basically property to do with as the man wishes.

all major religions are vastly outdated. however, people that ignore the bad stuff aren't really christians, they just belong to a special social club and that's it.
it's so perfectly brilliant

I love how they can't admit what islam actually says. They want to say it's offensive, but they can't because islam is a beautiful religion.

but if they pretend to agree with islam, then they know they are implicitly being anti-women.

so their npc brians meltdown and they instead just engage in doublethink.

Liberals are not in favor of Islam. We're just opposed to persecution of Muslims. This is something Trumpsters get confused, sometimes on purpose.
I don't like that Palestine is Muslim, but I also don't like that Israel is committing war crimes against the Palestinians and we're funding it.
all major religions are vastly outdated. however, people that ignore the bad stuff aren't really christians, they just belong to a special social club and that's it.

Your statement is almost word-for-word what Mr. Owl says about religion as well, at least as practiced in the U.S. To a very few it's a real faith thing; for most though it's as you said -- a social club.
No different than the Bible and how it is interpreted by some fundamentalist Xtians and some extreme conservative Jews (OT that is, not the entire Bible). They claim that scriptures make women 2nd-class to men, subservient, submissive, basically property to do with as the man wishes.

Jesus was actually the one that moved the role of women towards a brighter existence. If people actually just followed Christ instead of trying to interpret certain aspects, people, cherry-pick we wouldn't have these things. Stuff was written in a violent and archaic era where such things as stonings were how misdeeds were handled. They forget the Bible says they aren't the judge and to treat people without condemnation just because of their sin. Also, that people abide by secular laws rather than rebel and sacrifice their virtuous heart and soul. Forgive, forget, help, and cherish. Even in the case of murderers etc. You don't condemn them in a horrid manner you help them. You put them in a position they can't damage others or themselves. To harm them puts you on their plateua.
all major religions are vastly outdated. however, people that ignore the bad stuff aren't really christians, they just belong to a special social club and that's it.

All the believers in the world and terrorists put together aren't half the threat to civilization that the fascist world order and fake identity Christianity is. The believers are a spent force, they are irrelevant. There are two futures, the future of who bow (the fascists), and the future of those who do not bow, the freedom fighters and resistance against the dictators who rule the world and their slavish subjects.
it's so perfectly brilliant

I love how they can't admit what islam actually says. They want to say it's offensive, but they can't because islam is a beautiful religion.

but if they pretend to agree with islam, then they know they are implicitly being anti-women.

so their npc brians meltdown and they instead just engage in doublethink.

Islam is irrelevant.
let me guess, you just pay attention to the good stuff and ignore all the bad stuff? :thinking:

pretty sure the quran says you shouldn't be arguing with us men at all. also you shouldn't be testifying in court, among many other things. keep living in denial.

Autistic protestant reading of another religion. Just a fake identity Christian that claims to be an atheist but is in fact subconsciously subservient to its world view. Pure nihilism. I don't care about Islam or how people interpret it or how good or bad they are at it, new atheism is one of the most garbage stupid ideologies in history any this new New atheist ideology where they just rip out everything that's not about Islam is even more retarded. The fascists just used it as a way to scare you and get you to blow to them, which you did freely and seemingly like an idiot. Let's discuss your masters, your owners, not foreigners.