Islamism is the strongest predictor of executing terrorism


Oops! You may be retarded. Think before you reply!

The Global Terrorism Database (GTD) by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) at the University of Maryland is one of the most extensive databases.

It includes information on terrorist attacks around the world from 1970 to the present, with detailed data on perpetrators, attack methods, targets, and outcomes.

This database allows for filtering by various criteria, including the ideology associated with the attack. he Global Terrorism Database is particularly useful due to its detailed entries and the academic backing it receives.

Get a job, ya bum. ^
Time for you Mr. or Mrs. anti Semite moonbeam to admit you salute that flag in the OP, and
that you're marching and shouting alongside your Hamas buddies......"From the River to the Sea"
in wanting to see the entire land and people of Israel completely demolished. Many lefties are
with you on this dream of yours, including the pro Hamas scum guno.
Time for you Mr. or Mrs. anti Semite moonbeam to admit you salute that flag in the OP, and
that you're marching and shouting alongside your Hamas buddies......"From the River to the Sea"
in wanting to see the entire land and people of Israel completely demolished. Many lefties are
with you on this dream of yours, including the pro Hamas scum guno.
All Israelis in Occupied Palestine are legitimate targets as illegal occupiers. Palestine must be free- or the rest of the world will be under threat from illegal occupation. Israel is, unfortunately, a legal entity under international law. It is protected by international law. Should Israel- and the US- succeed in undermining international law then the law of the jungle will rule and Israel will have no legal protections. Should that happen then you'll be better off getting rid of Israelis yourself- before they get rid of you.
Of course, you don't see it that way- but then you are a dumbass establishment Amerikkkan.