Islamist Extremists WON'T Be Missing Obama......

.....But, they surely have become YUUUUUUGE-fans o' TRUMPY!!!!

November 9, 2016 - "Rejoice with support from Allah, and find glad tidings in the imminent demise of America at the hands of Trump,” said the Islamic State-affiliated al-Minbar Jihadi Media network, one of several jihadi forums to post commentaries on the results of the U.S. election.

"Trump’s win of the American presidency will bring hostility of Muslims against America as a result of his reckless actions, which show the overt and hidden hatred against them,” continued the essay, provided by the SITE Intelligence group, a private organization that monitors jihadists’ web sites.

A pro-a-Qaeda al-Maqalaat Twitter account predicted that Trump would “make the U.S. Enemy No. 1 again” in the Muslim Middle East.

“Trump will serve as the perfect straw man for the next four years, like Bush did before him,” it said."

The buck-Toothed, Bobble-Headed, Bimbo Bitch Of Benghazi, is HISTORY America's first female President will have to wait, huh commie?:rofl2: