Ismails Ax

According to what I heard he spelled it this way...


It may be important to have the correct spelling. What if it is an anagram?
Hmm, could be something there for an insane person....
That is right forgot, he started this whole middle east mess....
In Islam, Ibrahim is known as the father of the prophets and, upset that people in his hometown still worshiped idols and not Allah, he smashed all but one statue in a local temple with an ax. Ibrahim's son is Ismail, who also became a prophet. Ibrahim is Arabic for Abraham, who plays a significant role in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

from the article
Yes, there could be some sort of twisted connection to the religious side of things. I heard on the radio this morning that a lot of his writings were very anti-rich and anti-Christian.
It is all caused by the Bush's war in iraq and the stresses it creates on us....
Well possibly.....It could cause the weak of mind to crack....

IT IS ALL BUSH's FAULT ! :rolleyes:
how about that our health care system doesnt give people enough mental health care services and if we did this kid would have been diagnosed in high school.
how about that our health care system doesnt give people enough mental health care services and if we did this kid would have been diagnosed in high school.

Most health care insurance does not even properly cover mental health....
Kinda hard to blame guns on people not getting proper health care.

It seems that the people who are concerned about the 2nd amendment should think about this one a little further