Isn't Angular Momemtum Wonderful

do they even have gyroscopes in toy stores any more?......I wonder if there is a whole generation of kids who haven't seen them.......
Ive known about this since i was kid, gyroscopes etc. but it still seems like fuckin magic to me.

i mean really. HOW?
They need merely to attach another spinning wheel where the rope is attached.

Duh. This is so obvious.

uh, dude?......they would both fall.....look at it this way......people have been playing with gyroscopes for a hundred years.....if it works the way you imagine it, do you really think no one would have made a youtube video showing it by now?.......not to mention an airliner?
uh, dude?......they would both fall.....look at it this way......people have been playing with gyroscopes for a hundred years.....if it works the way you imagine it, do you really think no one would have made a youtube video showing it by now?.......not to mention an airliner?

So your argument is an appeal to historical ignorance?