Isn't it time to appoint a black person to the supreme court?


It's been almost 30 years since a black person has been on the supreme court, one has not been appointed since Thurgood Marshall died. Isn't it time to appoint a black person to the court that is actually in someway representative of actual black people and their views?
I'm pretty sure Clarence Thomas would disagree with you.

Clarence Thomas is not a black person, next. Someone actually representative of black people, not a running dog hand picked by white conservatives to represent white conservatives while having dark skin. Black people are not represented on the court. There are 6 representative of straight white males. You have enough representation.
It's been almost 30 years since a black person has been on the supreme court, one has not been appointed since Thurgood Marshall died. Isn't it time to appoint a black person to the court that is actually in someway representative of actual black people and their views?

Blacks are too stupid to be on the Supreme Court. Thurgood Marshall had an IQ of a rock. Sorry libs, having skin thin that looks like shit doesn't compensate for low IQ.
Clarence Thomas is not a black person, next. Someone actually representative of black people, not a running dog hand picked by white conservatives to represent white conservatives while having dark skin. Black people are not represented on the court. There are 6 representative of straight white males. You have enough representation.

Not sure if trolling or stupid.
Clarence Thomas is not a black person, next. Someone actually representative of black people, not a running dog hand picked by white conservatives to represent white conservatives while having dark skin. Black people are not represented on the court. There are 6 representative of straight white males. You have enough representation.

Yourself, find it, fuck it.
Not sure if trolling or stupid.

God I hate "centrist" dems who are constantly stabbing their own side in the back

Just go join the Republican party you piece of shit

Black people need to be represented by someone THEY chose, not the one darkie a white conservative could find who would lick his boots hard enough
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I can't stand whiney wannabe posters who are constantly stabbing their own side in the back.
God I hate "centrist" dems who are constantly stabbing their own side in the back

I'm not a Centrist, I'm a Leftist. And I have no loyalty to either party.

Black people need to be represented by someone THEY chose, not the one darkie a white conservative could find who would lick his boots hard enough

The same goes for white people, right? We should have people on the supreme court that have to win elections in which only white people are allowed to vote.

But based on your name, I'm sure you're either a troll or a Jew.
Not sure if trolling or stupid.

It's been almost 30 years since a black person has been on the supreme court, one has not been appointed since Thurgood Marshall died. Isn't it time to appoint a black person to the court that is actually in someway representative of actual black people and their views?

What about Chinese, Korean, Mexican, Thai, Pakistani, Polynesian or even Peruvian?
To hell with his/her qualifications and ability to apply the US rule of law in an equal fashion......its all about SKIN COLOR with these black bigots and racists.