Isn't Jesse Ventura a 3rd-party guy?

"...Jesse Ventura, former Navy Seal, former Governor of Minnesota, on a one hour documentary on prime-time American television, makes an open and shut criminal case tying Cheney, Rumsfeld and officials throughout the US government with complicity in the planning, execution and subsequent cover-up of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon..."

He was never a SEAL, BTW.

The first time I saw his show I thought I'd get a nice sympathy card for his family so I'd have it when he dies in a small plane crash. I like Jesse, even when he was a wrastler, but if he gains any momentum with this he's a dead man.
The first time I saw his show I thought I'd get a nice sympathy card for his family so I'd have it when he dies in a small plane crash. I like Jesse, even when he was a wrastler, but if he gains any momentum with this he's a dead man.

So you share his suspicions?
"Ventura cites, in an interview with a 9/11 commissioner, a possible motive for the Pentagon attack being included with the attacks on the World Trade Center. $2,300,000,000,000, yes 2.3 trillion US dollars had disappeared, cited only the day before in a televised statement by Secretary Rumsfeld, money “gone missing” from the Pentagon’s accounting. The area of the Pentagon hit by a missile or destroyed by explosives or both contained all records of this missing money."

Did you read your own post?
If Jesse starts pointing fingers with concrete evidence, the people who got the money will spend a little of it to wipe jesse out. You don't get this?
"Ventura cites, in an interview with a 9/11 commissioner, a possible motive for the Pentagon attack being included with the attacks on the World Trade Center. $2,300,000,000,000, yes 2.3 trillion US dollars had disappeared, cited only the day before in a televised statement by Secretary Rumsfeld, money “gone missing” from the Pentagon’s accounting. The area of the Pentagon hit by a missile or destroyed by explosives or both contained all records of this missing money."

Did you read your own post?
If Jesse starts pointing fingers with concrete evidence, the people who got the money will spend a little of it to wipe jesse out. You don't get this?

Aren't you afraid for your own safety?

After all, aren't these evil conspirators scanning the internet and rubbing out true believers like yourself?
Aren't you afraid for your own safety?

After all, aren't these evil conspirators scanning the internet and rubbing out true believers like yourself?
You're the one who posted this, maybe you should be peeking thru the window blinds.
My personal safety is not connected with the fact that Bush/Cheney should be investigated and held accountable for their crimes. LOL
You're the one who posted this, maybe you should be peeking thru the window blinds.
My personal safety is not connected with the fact that Bush/Cheney should be investigated and held accountable for their crimes. LOL

I'm not the one who believes that an omniscient, shadowy group of powerful conspirators who will stop at nothing to keep their "crimes" a secret were behnind 9/11, am I?
"...Jesse Ventura, former Navy Seal, former Governor of Minnesota, on a one hour documentary on prime-time American television, makes an open and shut criminal case tying Cheney, Rumsfeld and officials throughout the US government with complicity in the planning, execution and subsequent cover-up of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon..."

He was never a SEAL, BTW.

Yeah. That Jesse Ventura is a regular MENSA!
Jesse is just a whack job, a whack job that liberals love, wow what does that tell you about Libs :whoa:

no wackier than your hero Beck crying because his international backers stand to lose profits because of healthcare reform. LOL
Aren't you afraid for your own safety?

After all, aren't these evil conspirators scanning the internet and rubbing out true believers like yourself?

I'd like to propose a name for this response to conspiracy theories by people too afraid to confront the evidence

I shall dub the ridiculing of theories that have concrete evidence an appeal to X-files

the user's mental capacity:
LOLZ I watched 15 years of X-files too, man, but it didn't rub off on me!

How it works
OK, so the people who have all the money and own all the networks ran 15 years of conspiracy theory programming precisely so you and I and everyone WOULD laugh about it when it comes for the conspiracies to be revealed.

Ignore the signs. I don't really care about you people anyway if you think the globalists are n ot on an accelerated plan to depopulate and bring in the control grid they just built with those billions supposedly used to stimulate.

where's the money go?

FEMA camps

google it
"...Jesse Ventura, former Navy Seal, former Governor of Minnesota, on a one hour documentary on prime-time American television, makes an open and shut criminal case tying Cheney, Rumsfeld and officials throughout the US government with complicity in the planning, execution and subsequent cover-up of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon..."

He was never a SEAL, BTW.

Yeah. As a matter of fact, he was a Navy Seal. I don't get into his whole conspiracy theory but don't try to take away from his years of service to this country.
The first time I saw his show I thought I'd get a nice sympathy card for his family so I'd have it when he dies in a small plane crash. I like Jesse, even when he was a wrastler, but if he gains any momentum with this he's a dead man.

He's exposing the NWO and the elites aren't going to like it! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
You're the one who posted this, maybe you should be peeking thru the window blinds.
My personal safety is not connected with the fact that Bush/Cheney should be investigated and held accountable for their crimes. LOL

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I'd like to propose a name for this response to conspiracy theories by people too afraid to confront the evidence

I shall dub the ridiculing of theories that have concrete evidence an appeal to X-files

the user's mental capacity:
LOLZ I watched 15 years of X-files too, man, but it didn't rub off on me!

How it works
OK, so the people who have all the money and own all the networks ran 15 years of conspiracy theory programming precisely so you and I and everyone WOULD laugh about it when it comes for the conspiracies to be revealed.

Ignore the signs. I don't really care about you people anyway if you think the globalists are n ot on an accelerated plan to depopulate and bring in the control grid they just built with those billions supposedly used to stimulate.

where's the money go?

FEMA camps

google it

Is that you, Jared Loughner?

So let me get this straight. If Jesse Ventura comes up with evidence of crimes committed during the Bush admin. do you believe Jesse is a nut or do you believe people should be held accountable for their crimes?
Yeah. As a matter of fact, he was a Navy Seal. I don't get into his whole conspiracy theory but don't try to take away from his years of service to this country.

How is stating a fact trying "to take away from his years of service to this country"?

"...From September 11, 1969, to September 10, 1975, during the Vietnam War era, Ventura served in the United States Navy. While on active duty, Ventura was part of Underwater Demolition Team 12 (UDT).[4] The UDTs were merged with the US Navy SEALs in 1983, 8 years after Ventura had left the Navy.

Bill Salisbury, an attorney in San Diego and a former Navy SEAL officer, accused Ventura of "pretending" to be a SEAL and wrote that Ventura would be blurring an important distinction by claiming to be a SEAL when he was actually a frogman with the UDT. Compared to SEAL teams, UDTs saw less combat and took fewer casualties. Following that, Governor Ventura's office confirmed that Ventura was never a member of the SEALs. His spokesman stated that Ventura has never tried to convince people otherwise. Ventura stated: "Today we refer to all of us as SEALs; that's all it is."

Ventura has frequently referred to his military career in public statements and debates. He was criticized by hunters and conservationists for stating in an interview with the Minneapolis StarTribune in April 2001, "Until you have hunted men, you haven't hunted yet."

In January 2002, Ventura, who had never specifically claimed to have fought in Vietnam, disclosed for the first time that he did not see combat. He did not receive the Combat Action Ribbon, which was awarded to those involved in a firefight or who went on clandestine or special operations where the risk of enemy fire was great or expected..."