Isn't Singletary the shit?


Verified User
Notwithstanding the lost to a Football God on Sunday.
I love me some Mike Singletary, his rant last year was the best.
Didn't the Bears have some Beast's on that D. Him Wilbur Marshall, Dent, Fencick, Fischer.:clink:
Notwithstanding the lost to a Football God on Sunday.
I love me some Mike Singletary, his rant last year was the best.
Didn't the Bears have some Beast's on that D. Him Wilbur Marshall, Dent, Fencick, Fischer.:clink:
One of the all time greatest defenses. They were ferocious. Right up there with the No-name Defense, The Killer B's, the Purple People Eaters and the Steel Curtain.
Notwithstanding the lost to a Football God on Sunday.
I love me some Mike Singletary, his rant last year was the best.
Didn't the Bears have some Beast's on that D. Him Wilbur Marshall, Dent, Fencick, Fischer.:clink:

one of the most physical Ds EVAR!!!. Dent and Hampton, Frig, singletary, marshall, and wilson at LBs, Fencik (aka the hitman).
don't forget the Orange Crush also.

Damn straight. Randy Gradishar, Lyle Alzado, Louis Wright, Tom Jackson, and Bob Swenson, who all made the pro bowl, and yet Swenson never played another down of football for the Broncos, becasuse the pinhead owner Edgar Kaiser offered him a three year contract after that season which would have paid him less in the first year of the new contract than he was paid the year he made the pro bowl. He was so insulted, he held out and said he would rather not play thamlay for less, Kaiser's flunky, G.M. Hein Poulus, a Dutch businessman who knew exactly dick about football, decided to make an example of Swenson and refused to trade him, saying he would play for what they offered or not at all. Brilliant management, no? Poulus also chased Alzado out of town, to their division arch rivals, the raiders, no less. By contrast, when Pat Bowlen, the current owner took over, he told his GM, I want John Elway signed for life. Don't give away the ranch, but I want him to spend the rest of his career here, and I want him happy.

Unfortunately for the game, there are more pinhead owners, rich dweebs with more money than brains who think they know so much about everything because they are rich, like Jerry Jones and his wannabe mini-me, Dan Snyder, who got taken to the cleaners on Deion Sanders, when he still had Darryl Green, compounding this stupidity when he made darryl share time on the field with Sanders, who at his best couldn't hold Green's jock, let alone play at Green's level, and please don't anybody start with that "Sanders was the best cover corner ever" shit. That's saying he was the best at only doing half his damn job, because tackling is part of the corner's job, and he not only couldn't tackle worth a shit, he AVOIDED TACKLING LIKE THE PLAGUE, and after a while, offensive coordinators just started running wide to his side, and watched him try to stop running backs with his "matador" tackles...wave his arm like a matador's cape over the running back and shout "ole!" When the cameras panned back from the big pile of bodies on the sideline, usually well past first down yardage, who would always be the only player from either team still standing up with a spotless uniform? Mr "Cover" himself... the overrated candyass. Then Snyder allowed himself to be bent over and drilled (with no K-Y or even a kiss), and talked into paying a ton of money for Jeff George, the QB with the million-dollar arm and the ten cent brain, who has never accomplished a damn thing in the NFL OR college. As a much-hyped junior (or was it an over-hyped senior?) at Illinois, he led the Illini into a MAJOR ass whuppin' by Colorado at Folsom Field, when all the prognosticators said he would make mincemeat out of the CU defense with his wondrous arm. what a loser. And yet Snyder paid him millios to do nothing but ride the pine while Snyder jerked Brad Johnson around, refusing to even talk about a contract extension for the QB who was in the process of taking Snyder's Redskins team to the playoffs. Johnson won a superbowl ring the next year as the starting QB for Tampa Bay, while George played down to his usual standards, ignoring the play calls from the sidelines in favor of one half-assed improvised play after another. He thought he was John Elway, Joe Montana, or Brett Favre, but played like Bobby Douglas, the early 70's Bears QB, who could throw the ball through a brick wall, but couldn't hit the brick wall, let alone his receivers, with anything even approaching consistncy.

And Jerry Jones, who told Jimmy Johnson to pretend to confer with him during the draft, so he could burnish his non-existent credentials as a great football mind, hired Barry Switzer to be head coach of a passing pro offense, after using the wishbone offense exclusively at Oklahoma, forcing Troy Aikman, Moose Johnston, and Emmett Smith to stage a bloodless coup, ignore switzer, and take over the offense themselves. Later, Jones even went as far as to state that the Cowboys were going to pioneer a new merging of the owner and head coaching duties. i can only assume that the Cowboys veterans kidnapped his family and threatened to kill them if he went through with his boneheaded plan.
one of the most physical Ds EVAR!!!. Dent and Hampton, Frig, singletary, marshall, and wilson at LBs, Fencik (aka the hitman).

Physical? How about Willie Davis, Henry Jordan, Forrest Gregg, Dave Robinson, Ray Nitsche, Willie Wood, and Herb Adderly. Every one a hall of famer, and all on the 1966 Packers defense.
The Purple freaking People eaters, takes a kid of the 70's to remember them.
Word :clink: Fran Tarkenton was one of my all time favorite QB's, talk about a play maker? You never knew what the hell was going to happen with that man on the field! I swear he had eyes in the back of his head! It was hillareous what he did to opposing defensive lineman, no wonder they hated the guy with a passion! LOL
Damn straight. Randy Gradishar, Lyle Alzado, Louis Wright, Tom Jackson, and Bob Swenson, who all made the pro bowl, and yet Swenson never played another down of football for the Broncos, becasuse the pinhead owner Edgar Kaiser offered him a three year contract after that season which would have paid him less in the first year of the new contract than he was paid the year he made the pro bowl. He was so insulted, he held out and said he would rather not play thamlay for less, Kaiser's flunky, G.M. Hein Poulus, a Dutch businessman who knew exactly dick about football, decided to make an example of Swenson and refused to trade him, saying he would play for what they offered or not at all. Brilliant management, no? Poulus also chased Alzado out of town, to their division arch rivals, the raiders, no less. By contrast, when Pat Bowlen, the current owner took over, he told his GM, I want John Elway signed for life. Don't give away the ranch, but I want him to spend the rest of his career here, and I want him happy.

Unfortunately for the game, there are more pinhead owners, rich dweebs with more money than brains who think they know so much about everything because they are rich, like Jerry Jones and his wannabe mini-me, Dan Snyder, who got taken to the cleaners on Deion Sanders, when he still had Darryl Green, compounding this stupidity when he made darryl share time on the field with Sanders, who at his best couldn't hold Green's jock, let alone play at Green's level, and please don't anybody start with that "Sanders was the best cover corner ever" shit. That's saying he was the best at only doing half his damn job, because tackling is part of the corner's job, and he not only couldn't tackle worth a shit, he AVOIDED TACKLING LIKE THE PLAGUE, and after a while, offensive coordinators just started running wide to his side, and watched him try to stop running backs with his "matador" tackles...wave his arm like a matador's cape over the running back and shout "ole!" When the cameras panned back from the big pile of bodies on the sideline, usually well past first down yardage, who would always be the only player from either team still standing up with a spotless uniform? Mr "Cover" himself... the overrated candyass. Then Snyder allowed himself to be bent over and drilled (with no K-Y or even a kiss), and talked into paying a ton of money for Jeff George, the QB with the million-dollar arm and the ten cent brain, who has never accomplished a damn thing in the NFL OR college. As a much-hyped junior (or was it an over-hyped senior?) at Illinois, he led the Illini into a MAJOR ass whuppin' by Colorado at Folsom Field, when all the prognosticators said he would make mincemeat out of the CU defense with his wondrous arm. what a loser. And yet Snyder paid him millios to do nothing but ride the pine while Snyder jerked Brad Johnson around, refusing to even talk about a contract extension for the QB who was in the process of taking Snyder's Redskins team to the playoffs. Johnson won a superbowl ring the next year as the starting QB for Tampa Bay, while George played down to his usual standards, ignoring the play calls from the sidelines in favor of one half-assed improvised play after another. He thought he was John Elway, Joe Montana, or Brett Favre, but played like Bobby Douglas, the early 70's Bears QB, who could throw the ball through a brick wall, but couldn't hit the brick wall, let alone his receivers, with anything even approaching consistncy.

And Jerry Jones, who told Jimmy Johnson to pretend to confer with him during the draft, so he could burnish his non-existent credentials as a great football mind, hired Barry Switzer to be head coach of a passing pro offense, after using the wishbone offense exclusively at Oklahoma, forcing Troy Aikman, Moose Johnston, and Emmett Smith to stage a bloodless coup, ignore switzer, and take over the offense themselves. Later, Jones even went as far as to state that the Cowboys were going to pioneer a new merging of the owner and head coaching duties. i can only assume that the Cowboys veterans kidnapped his family and threatened to kill them if he went through with his boneheaded plan.
Oh I agree with you about Sanders. Chuck Bednarik said it best when he said called Deion a "Polka Dancer" and said "Deion couldn't takle my wife".

Did you ever see when Carlton Fisk ripped Deion Sanders a new one? Deions eyes were big as round as saucers. It was hillareous. I thought Pudge was going to kick his ass, he was seriously pissed. I guess in his previous at bat Deion didn't try to out run an infield single and his lack of hustle offended Fisk you shouted at him to run it out. His next at bat he came up, drew a dollar sign in the dirt with his bat and told Fisk "Hey man, the days of slavery are over." BIG MISTAKE! Fisk threw off his mask and got right in Deions face and told him there was a right way and a wrong way to play the game and if he didn't play it right he would kick Deions ass. I loved it! LOL

I wish I could find a video clip of it.
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I thought you had to go back to the 50s to remember the Purple People Eaters?

[ame=""]YouTube - The Flying Purple People Eater[/ame]
Word :clink: Fran Tarkenton was one of my all time favorite QB's, talk about a play maker? You never knew what the hell was going to happen with that man on the field! I swear he had eyes in the back of his head! It was hillareous what he did to opposing defensive lineman, no wonder they hated the guy with a passion! LOL

I was staying with my mother's youngest sister and her family in Amarillo in the fall of 1973, and during the NFL playoffs, the other sister visited with her family. Two uncles and six cousins, all Dallas fans, and me. I was talking about how overrated the Cowboys were, and my cousins and uncles told me to put my money where my mouth was, and I said, "I never bet unless it's a sure thing, and that's why I'm not going to bet on the Vikings, to cover the spread," at which point they started jeering and talking trash until i said, "No, I'm going to bet you pissants that the underdog Vikings are going to win outright. Hell, I'll give you 7 points." They couldn't wait to separate me from my money, the 3 male cousins going in for $10 each, and the uncles for $20 apiece. One uncle told me that*after so many years of hearing me say the Cowboys couldn't hold the Packers' jocks, and then my family calling up long distance to sing "Hail to the Redskins" after the 26-3 drubbing of the Cowboys by the 'Skins in the prior year's NFC title game, he was really going to enjoy taking my $20. I said, "Let's make it $40." He said he didn't want to take advantage of my ignorance. so i said, "I'll give you 13 points." he said,"but i will take advantage of your stupidity. You're on, and I'm REEALLY going to enjoy this."

"Not half as much as i am." At that point, they all doubled their bets. They were very unhappy campers. Tarkenton made the Cowboys look bad, and the Vike's defense (featuring future Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Alan Page) forced 6 turnovers. There was a brief spark of trash talking from the cousins in the fourth quarter, when the Cowflops had cut the lead to 17-10, and were on the Minnesota 37, but after a 63-yard interception return made it 24-10, balled up $20 bills started bouncing off my head (Dallas fans...what can I say?), seven of them, all told, for a tidy $140. Not bad, for my only bet on an NFL game in my life.